1 | output | Read enable | |
Router status | 3 | output | Output FSM state signal to "packing FIFO" and "packing center", coordinate with the control of packing procedure |
Data_router_packingfifo | 73 | output | Output data bus to "packing FIFO". Bit 64 is set to "0" to indicate this is an uncoded packet |
Wr_en_router_packingfifo | 1 | output | Write enable |
Rdy_router_packingfifo | 1 | input | 1=module "packing FIFO" is ready to receive from payload router, 0=otherwise |
Empty_packingfifo | 1 | input | 1=FIFO packing is empty,0=otherwise |
Data_converter_packingfifo | 73 | output | Output data bus to "packing FIFO". Bit 64 is set to "1" to indicate this is a coded packet |
Wr_en_converter_packingfifo | 1 | Output | Write enable |
Rdy_converter_packingfifo | 1 | output | 1=module "packing FIFO" is ready to receive from m72to64 converter, 0=otherwise |
Empty_converterfifo | 1 | output | 1=FIFO converter is empty,0=otherwise |
Rand_num_1 | 8 | output | Output random number 1 to "packing center" |
Rand_num_2 | 8 | output | Output random number 2 to "packing center" |
clk | 1 | input | System clock running at 125MHz |
Rst_n | 1 | input | System asynchronous reset signal |
④ 功能描述及数据流
本模块为主运算模块。子模块paylaod router构建与上游模块control的接口,从control的子模块FIFO ctrl payload中读取数据。若两FIFO都非空,则说明control模块同时处理了两条通道,也即需要进行编码操作。Paylpad router同时读取两个FIFO中的数据,送往由m64×8 multiplier、m72×72 adder以及m72to64 converter组成的"编码流水线"进行编码运算,并向下游packing模块发送编码过的数据包。
子模块prng tap16是8位伪随机数产生器。使能信号rand_num_en有效时,产生一个8位伪随机数。子模块m64×8 multiplier是64乘8位乘法器,该模块将负载与随即系数相乘,得到72位结果。m72×72 adder是72位全加器,将两个乘法器得到的结果相加得到编码输出。m72to64 converter是位宽转换器,由于coding模块输出的数据总线仍需保持64位,所以需要该转换器将72位编码输出转换为64为编码数据。由于是同步电路,采用同一时钟,该位宽转换将产生一定的数据囤积,需要较大缓存。
⑤ 关键时序与状态机
Payload router状态机
图3.2-7 Payload router状态机
① 子模块列表
Sub module name | quantity | Description |
Packing FIFO | 1 | Receive and store processed packets before being packed in "packing center" |
Packing center | 1 | Packing payload with all sorts of heads |
② 内部结构图
图3.2-8 Packing内部结构图
③ 本模块输入输出信号列表及说明
Signal name | Bit width | I/O | Description |
Data_router_packingfifo | 73 | input | Input data bus from "payload router". Bit 64 is set to "0" to indicate this is an uncoded packet |
Wr_en_router_packingfifo | 1 | Input | Write |
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