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Compact Modeling Workshop- 紧凑型建模邀请函—器件模型

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
Compact Modeling Workshop-

集成电路培训中心ICTC将邀请器件建模领域的权威Bertrand Ardouin博士、Thomas Zimmer教授来上海讲授器件建模设计的高级培训课程,以及在法国ST有长期RF-SOI模型经验的Raphael Valentin 博士做专题邀请报告。

课程主办单位:集成电路培训中心(ICTC-Integrated Circuit Training Center)
课程承办单位:LYNNE CONSULTING(上海林恩信息咨询有限公司)
本课程属于Compact Modeling Workshop,适合具有一定基础的学员:半导体厂器件模型开发人员、模拟/混合信号/射频设计人员、以及相关领域的研究人员和管理人员、集成电路专业研究生以及对器件模型感兴趣的人。

1、培训费用:1200 元/人(含授课、课程教案、茶歇及午餐费、与教授合影),团体折扣价:3人及以上(1000元/人);5人及以上(800元/人)。另外,去年11月份在上海复旦大学已接受过Willy Sansen教授培训的学员如报名,则可享受九折优惠。
2、培训食宿:学员午餐由会务组统一安排,往返交通及住宿费用自理(需要住宿的学员可提前预定国际人才城酒店(协议价398 元/天)或附近上海张江置业宾馆(协议价200 元/天),需要预定的学员请尽早通过会务预定)。

开 户 行:上海银行曹杨支行
账    号:316586 03000624127
(汇入账户的学员,请将汇款底单传真至021-3327 5892或者扫描邮件至会务组邮箱steven.yu@lynneconsulting.com)
联 系 人:温丽琴、余小阳(林恩咨询,021-5109 6090,18964912340);

1、Introduction to compact modeling&specific model(Dr. Ardouin)
a、Advantages of physics based modeling over pure fitting models
b、Statistical modeling approaches
c、EDA tools, environments and flows related issues
d、Specific modeling examples: High temperature models, low temperature models,RF models
e、Q/A validation (circuit level)
2、What is necessary for a good model ? Part A/B (Dr. Ardouin)
b、Measurements verification & validation
c、Compact Models: a brief review and history of (BSIM3/4, EKV, PSP, HiCUM, VBIC, Angelov)
d、Test chip, test structures: which strategy for DC & RF?
e、Extraction tools: which strategy for which model? (Global fitting, Binning, local extraction, accuracy criterion, etc.)
f、What is the impact on DESIGN? There’s no "one fits all model"
3、RF/Noise compact modeling of PD SOI CMOS technology (Dr. Valentin,invited)

4、Electro-thermal characterization of advanced technologies(Prof. Zimmer)
a、Measurements: Low frequency S-parameter measurements, pulsed DC and AC measurement
b、TCAD simulation
c、Electro-thermal compact model
d、Application to SiGe-HBT
e、Application to 28nm CMOS
f、Impact on circuit level
5、RF measurement methodology up to 100GHZ (Dr. Ardouin)
a、Frequency limitation of calibration and de-embedding technique for S parameter
b、EM simulation
6、Reliability related compact modeling with emphasis on life time prediction (Dr. Ardouin )
a、Importance of reliability aware model
b、Degradation mechanism and combination of aging model
c、Transistor compact model
d、Case study and reliability aware circuit
7、Outlook:"Graphene electronics: how far from industrial applications” (Prof. Zimmer)
Dr. Bertrand Ardouin
Bertrand Ardouin received the MS and Ph.D. degrees in electrical engineering from theUniversityofBordeaux1,Francein 1998 and 2001 respectively. His research activities were SiGe HBTs advanced modeling and characterization. In 2002, he has been one of the co-founder of XMOD technologies where he is currently the Manager and R&D director. Dr Ardouin was a member of the IEEE-BCTM CAD/Modeling subcommittee from 2006-2012.

Pr. Thomas Zimmer
Thomas Zimmer received the M.Sc. degree in physics from theUniversityofWürzburg,Germany, in 1989 and the Ph.D. degree in electronics from the University Bordeaux 1,Talence,France, in 1992. From 1989 to 1990, he was with the Fraunhofer Institute,Erlangen,Germany. Since 1992, he is with the IMS Institute,Talence,France. Since 2003, he is Professor at he UniversityBordeaux1. At the IMS lab, he is the leader of the research group “Nanoelectronics.” His research interests are focused on electrical compact modeling and characterization of HF devices such as HBT (SiGe, InP), graphene nanotubes and GFETs. He is Senior Member IEEE and served as a Reviewer for many journals (IEEE ED, EDL, SSE…) and participated on the Program Committee of several conferences (BCTM, ESSDERC …). He has published more than 150 peer-reviewed scientific articles, 1 book and contributed to 8 book-chapters.

Dr. Raphael Valentin(invited)

He received the Ph.D. degree in micro and nanotechnologies from theInstituteofElectronics, Microelectronics and Nanotechnology (IEMN), Villeneuve d’Ascq,France, in 2008. His Ph.D. degree research was on the device simulation/modeling and measurement of the nano-scaled Metallic Source/Drain Fully Depleted SOI transistors dedicated to high-frequency applications. He was working as Post Doc CEA LETI at ST Microelectronics in the Modeling Group. His main research interest concerned advanced radio frequency (up to 100 GHz) Compact Modeling of SOI CMOS devices dedicated to high speed/low power communications. He is currently working at Montage Tech, Inc, responsible for the Device and Modeling activities.

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