首页 > 研发问答 > 微电子和IC设计 > 微电子学习交流 > 一个关于等价验证的问题


时间:12-11 整理:3721RD 点击:
   xcoco (从来就是这样酷...) 于  (Wed Aug 24 16:05:36 2005)  提到:
   QArk (SapphireSequenceDesign) 于  (Wed Aug 24 16:09:20 2005)  提到:
可能有COT吧,把LOG 文件传上来看看
【 在 xcoco (从来就是这样酷...) 的大作中提到: 】
:     从网上下了一个电路的verilog逻辑网表,用DC综合了一下,一切正常,可在等价性检查时却报告两个电路的很多输出端都不等价,为什么呢?如果综合出来的电路和原设计功能都不一样,那还作什么啊?问题出在哪里?
:     等价验证用的是Prover的echeck,是基于形式验证的。
: 谢谢
: ...................
   xcoco (从来就是这样酷...) 于  (Wed Aug 24 18:39:09 2005)  提到:
#@ #
#@ # Running dc_shell Version 2000.05-1 -- Jul 12, 2000
#@ # Date:   Wed Aug 24 14:34:55 2005
source e:/Synopsys/admin/setup/.synopsys_dc.setup
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #            ".synopsys_dc.setup" Initialization File for
#@ #
#@ #                Dc_Shell and Design_Analyzer
#@ #
#@ #    The variables in this file define the behavior of many parts
#@ #    of the Synopsys Synthesis Tools.  Upon installation, they should
#@ #    be reviewed and modified to fit your site's needs.  Each engineer
#@ #    can have a .synopsys file in his/her home directory or current
#@ #    directory to override variable settings in this file.  
#@ #
#@ #    Each logical grouping of variables is commented as to their
#@ #    nature and effect on the Synthesis Commands.  Examples of
#@ #    variable groups are the Compile Variable Group, which affects
#@ #    the designs produced by the COMPILE command, and the Schematic
#@ #    Variable Group, which affects the output of the create_schematic
#@ #    command.
#@ #
#@ #    You can type "man <group_name>_variables" in dc_shell or
#@ #    design_analyzer to get help about a group of variables.
#@ #    For instance, to get help about the "system" variable group,
#@ #    type "help system_variables".  You can also type
#@ #    "man <variable name>", to get help on the that variable's
#@ #    group.
#@ #
#@ # System variables
#@ set sh_command_abbrev_mode       "Anywhere"
#@ set sh_continue_on_error         "true"
#@ set sh_enable_page_mode          "true"
#@ set sh_source_uses_search_path   "true"
#@ if { [string compare $dc_shell_mode "tcl"] == 0 } {
#@  set sh_command_log_file          "./command.log"
#@ }
#@ # Enable debug output on fatal
#@ if {  ( ( ( $sh_arch == {sparc}) || ( $sh_arch == {sparcOS5})) || ( $sh_arch == {hp700})) || ( $sh_arch == {hpux10}) } {
#@    setenv SYNOPSYS_TRACE {}
#@ }
#@ #
#@ # Load the procedures which make up part of the user interface.
#@ #
#@ if { [string compare $dc_shell_mode "tcl"] == 0 } {
#@   source $synopsys_root/auxx/syn/.dc_common_procs.tcl
#@   source $synopsys_root/auxx/syn/.dc_procs.tcl
#@   alias list_commands help
#@ }
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ # FILE:         auxx/syn/.dc_common_procs.tcl
#@ #
#@ # ABSTRACT:     These procedures are part of the PrimeTime and DC
#@ #               user interface.
#@ #               They are loaded by .synopsys_pt.setup and .synopsys_dc.setup.
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE:   group_variable
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:    Add a variable to the specified variable group.
#@ #               This command is typically used by the system
#@ #               administrator only.
#@ #
#@ #               Below the proc is the command which creates the command
#@ #               help information and semantic data for the argument.
#@ #
#@ #  RETURNS:     1 if it is successful.
#@ #               error code if the variable does not exist.
#@ #               error code of the variable is already in the group.
#@ #
#@ #  SYNTAX:      group_variable group_name variable_name
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc group_variable { args } {
#@   global _Variable_Groups
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args resarr
#@   set group $resarr(group)
#@   set var $resarr(variable_name)
#@   if { ![info exists _Variable_Groups($group)] } {
#@    set _Variable_Groups($group) ""
#@   }
#@   # Verify that var exists as a global variable
#@   set cmd "uplevel #0 \{info exists $var\}"
#@   if { ![eval $cmd] } {
#@     return -code error "Variable '$var' is not defined."
#@   }
#@   # Only add it if it's not already there
#@   if { [lsearch $_Variable_Groups($group) $var] == -1 } {
#@     lappend _Variable_Groups($group) $var
#@   }
#@   return 1
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes group_variable     -info "Add a variable to a variable group"      -command_group "Builtins" -permanent -dont_abbrev     -define_args {
#@       {group "Variable group name" group}
#@       {variable_name "Variable name" variable_name}}
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE:   print_variable_group
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:    Shows variables and their values defined in the given group.
#@ #
#@ #               Below the proc is the command which creates the command
#@ #               help information and semantic data for the argument.
#@ #
#@ #  RETURNS:     1 if it is successful.
#@ #               error code of the variable group does not exist.
#@ #
#@ #  SYNTAX:      print_variable_group group_name
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc print_variable_group { args } {
#@   global _Variable_Groups
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args resarr
#@   set group $resarr(group)
#@   if { [string compare $group "all"] == 0 } {
#@     set cmd "uplevel #0 \{printvar\}"
#@     return [eval $cmd]
#@   }
#@   if { ![info exists _Variable_Groups($group)] } {
#@     return -code error "Variable group '$group' does not exist."
#@   }
#@   # Print out each global variable in the list. To be totally bulletproof,
#@   # test that each variable in the group is still defined.  If not, remove
#@   # it from the list.
#@   foreach var [lsort $_Variable_Groups($group)] {
#@     set cmd "uplevel #0 \{info exists $var\}"
#@     if { ![eval $cmd] } {
#@       # Remove it
#@       set n [lsearch $_Variable_Groups($group) $var]
#@       set $_Variable_Groups($group) [lreplace $_Variable_Groups($group) $n $n]
#@     } else {
#@       # Print it.
#@       set cmd "uplevel #0 \{set $var\}"
#@       set val [eval $cmd]
#@       echo [format "%-25s = \"%s\"" $var $val]
#@     }
#@   }
#@   return 1
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes print_variable_group     -info "Print the contents of a variable group"      -command_group "Builtins" -permanent      -define_args {{group "Variable group name" group}}
#@ # -- End source e:/Synopsys/auxx/syn/.dc_common_procs.tcl
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ # FILE:         auxx/syn/.dc_procs.tcl
#@ #
#@ # ABSTRACT:     These procedures are part of the Design Compiler Tcl
#@ #               user interface.
#@ #               They are loaded by .synopsys_dc.setup.
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE:  read_verilog
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:   Emulate PT's read_verilog command in DC:
#@ #
#@ #  Usage:      read_verilog         #  Read one or more verilog files
#@ #                *[-hdl_compiler]       (Use HDL Compiler (ignored))
#@ #                file_names             (Files to read)
#@ #
#@ #  Modified: Bharat 11/17/99. Use uplevel to ensure that the command
#@ #            sees user/hidden variables from the top level. Star 92970.
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc read_verilog { args } {
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args ra
#@   set cmd [format {read_file -format verilog  [list %s]} $ra(file_names)]
#@   return [uplevel #0 $cmd]
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes read_verilog     -info " Read one or more verilog files"     -permanent     -define_args {
#@       {file_names "Files to read" file_names list required}
#@    {-hdl_compiler "Use HDL Compiler (ignored)" "" boolean {hidden optional}}
#@ }
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE: read_vhdl
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:  Emulate PT's read_vhdl command in DC:
#@ #
#@ #  Usage:     read_vhdl            #  Read one or more vhdl files
#@ #               file_names             (Files to read)
#@ #
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc read_vhdl { args } {
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args ra
#@   set cmd [format {read_file -format vhdl  [list %s]} $ra(file_names)]
#@   return [uplevel #0 $cmd]
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes read_vhdl     -info " Read one or more vhdl files"     -permanent     -define_args {
#@       {file_names "Files to read" file_names list required}}
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE:   read_db
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:    Emulate PT's read_db command in DC:
#@ #
#@ #  Usage:
#@ #     read_db              #  Read one or more db files
#@ #       *[-netlist_only]       (Do not read any attributes from db (ignored))
#@ #       *[-library]            (File is a library DB (ignored))
#@ #      file_names             (Files to read)
#@ #
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc read_db { args } {
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args ra
#@   set cmd [format {read_file -format db  [list %s]} $ra(file_names)]
#@   return [uplevel #0 $cmd]
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes read_db     -info " Read one or more db files"     -permanent     -define_args {
#@       {file_names "Files to read" file_names list required}
#@       {-netlist_only "Do not read any attributes from db (ignored)" "" boolean {hidden optional}}
#@       {-library "File is a library DB (ignored)" "" boolean {hidden optional}}
#@      }
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #  PROCEDURE:   read_edif
#@ #
#@ #  ABSTRACT:    Emulate PT's read_edif command in DC:
#@ #
#@ #  Usage:    
#@ #      read_edif            #  Read one or more edif files
#@ #        *[-complete_language]  (Use ptxr to read the file (ignored))
#@ #        file_names             (Files to read)
#@ #
#@ #
#@ ##############################################################################
#@ #
#@ proc read_edif { args } {
#@   parse_proc_arguments -args $args ra
#@   set cmd [format {read_file -format edif  [list %s]} $ra(file_names)]
#@   return [uplevel #0 $cmd]
#@ }
#@ define_proc_attributes read_edif     -info " Read one or more edif files"     -permanent     -define_args {
#@       {file_names "Files to read" file_names list required}
#@       {-complete_language "Use ptxr to read the file (ignored)" "" boolean {hidden optional}}
#@ }
#@ # -- End source e:/Synopsys/auxx/syn/.dc_procs.tcl
#@ # Temporary fix for the LMC_HOME variable- set it to an empty string
#@ if { [catch {getenv LMC_HOME } __err ] != 0 } {
#@   setenv LMC_HOME ""
#@ }
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #       Site-Specific Variables
#@ #
#@ #       These are the variables that are most commonly changed at a
#@ #       specific site, either upon installation of the Synopsys software,
#@ #       or by specific engineers in their local .synopsys files.
#@ #
#@ #
#@ # from the System Variable Group
#@ set link_force_case  "check_reference"
#@ set link_library  { * your_library.db }
#@ set search_path [list . ${synopsys_root}/libraries/syn ${synopsys_root}/dw/sim_ver]
#@ set target_library  your_library.db
#@ set synthetic_library  ""
#@ set command_log_file  "./command.log"
#@ set designer  ""
#@ set company  ""
#@ set find_converts_name_lists  "false"
#@ set symbol_library  your_library.sdb
#@ # from the Schematic Variable Group
#@ # from the Plot Variable Group
#@ if { $sh_arch == "hp700" } {
#@   set plot_command "lp -d"
#@ } else {
#@   set plot_command "lpr -Plw"
#@ }
#@ set view_command_log_file  "./view_command.log"
#@ # from the View Variable group
#@ if { $sh_arch == "hp700" } {
#@    set text_print_command  "lp -d"
#@ } else {
#@    set text_print_command  "lpr -Plw"
#@ }
#@ #
#@ #       System Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables are system-wide variables.
#@ #
#@ set arch_init_path ${synopsys_root}/${sh_arch}/motif/syn/uid
#@ set auto_link_disable  "false"
#@ set auto_link_options  "-all"
#@ set uniquify_naming_style  "%s_%d"
#@ set verbose_messages  "true"
#@ set echo_include_commands  "true"
#@ set preserve_subshells  "hdl_shell_exec"
#@ set suppress_errors  {PWR-18 OPT-931 OPT-932}
#@ set change_names_update_inst_tree   "true"
#@ set change_names_dont_change_bus_members false
#@ set default_name_rules ""
#@ #
#@ #       Compile Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the designs created by the COMPILE command.
#@ #
#@ set compile_assume_fully_decoded_three_state_busses   "false"
#@ set compile_automatic_clock_phase_inference    "strict"
#@ set compile_no_new_cells_at_top_level   "false"
#@ set compile_dont_touch_annotated_cell_during_inplace_opt   "false"
#@ set compile_update_annotated_delays_during_inplace_opt  "true"
#@ set compile_instance_name_prefix   "U"
#@ set compile_instance_name_suffix   ""
#@ set compile_negative_logic_methodology   "false"
#@ set compile_disable_hierarchical_inverter_opt   "false"
#@ set compile_use_fast_delay_mode   "true"
#@ set compile_use_low_timing_effort   "false"
#@ set compile_new_boolean_structure   "false"
#@ set compile_fix_cell_degradation   "false"
#@ set compile_preserve_subdesign_interfaces   "false"
#@ set compile_sequential_area_recovery   "false"
#@ set port_complement_naming_style   "%s_BAR"
#@ set compile_implementation_selection   "true"
#@ set compile_mux_no_boundary_optimization   "false"
#@ set compile_create_mux_op_hierarchy   "true"
#@ set compile_delete_unloaded_sequential_cells   "true"
#@ set reoptimize_design_changed_list_file_name   ""
#@ set compile_checkpoint_filename "./CHECKPOINT.db"
#@ set compile_checkpoint_cpu_interval 0.0
#@ set compile_checkpoint_phases "false"
#@ set compile_checkpoint_pre_delay_filename "./CHECKPOINT_PRE_DELAY.db"
#@ set compile_checkpoint_pre_drc1_filename "./CHECKPOINT_PRE_DRC1.db"
#@ set compile_checkpoint_pre_drc2_filename "./CHECKPOINT_PRE_DRC2.db"
#@ set compile_checkpoint_pre_area_filename "./CHECKPOINT_PRE_AREA.db"
#@ set compile_cpu_limit 0.0
#@ set compile_log_format "  %elap_time %area %wns %tns %drc %endpoint";
#@ set compile_top_all_paths   "false"
#@ set default_port_connection_class "universal"
#@ set compile_dw_simple_mode "false"
#@ set compile_simple_mode_block_effort "none"
#@ set compile_hold_reduce_cell_count "false"
#@ set ldd_return_val 0
#@ if { [string compare $dc_shell_mode "default"] == 0 } {
#@   set ldd_script ${synopsys_root}/auxx/syn/scripts/list_duplicate_designs.dcsh
#@   alias list_duplicate_designs "include -quiet ldd_script; dc_shell_status = ldd_return_val "
#@ }
#@ if { [string compare $dc_shell_mode "tcl"] == 0 } {
#@   set ldd_script ${synopsys_root}/auxx/syn/scripts/list_duplicate_designs.tcl
#@   alias list_duplicate_designs "source $ldd_script; set dc_shell_status $ldd_return_val "
#@ }
#@ set compile_log_format "  %elap_time %area %wns %tns %drc %endpoint";
#@ set compile_top_all_paths "false"
#@ alias compile_inplace_changed_list_file_name                 reoptimize_design_changed_list_file_name
#@ #
#@ #  These variables affects compile, report_timing and report_constraints
#@ #  commands.
#@ #
#@ set enable_recovery_removal_arcs  "false"
#@ #
#@ #       Multibit Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the multibit mapping functionality
#@ #
#@ set bus_multiple_separator_style  ","
#@ #
#@ #       Estimator Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the designs created by the ESTIMATE command.
#@ #
#@ set estimate_resource_preference  "fast"
#@ alias est_resource_preference estimate_resource_preference
#@ set lbo_lfo_enable_at_pin_count   3
#@ set lbo_cells_in_regions   "false"
#@ #     Synthetic Library Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variable affect synthetic library processing.
#@ #
#@ set cache_dir_chmod_octal   "777"
#@ set cache_file_chmod_octal  "666"
#@ set cache_read   "~"
#@ set cache_read_info  "false"
#@ set cache_write  "~"
#@ set cache_write_info   "false"
#@ set dw_prefer_mc_inside "false"
#@ set mgi_scratch_directory "designware_generator"
#@ set synlib_disable_limited_licenses   "true"
#@ set synlib_dont_get_license  {}
#@ set synlib_evaluation_mode  "false"
#@ set synlib_library_list   {DW01 DW02 DW03 DW04 DW05 DW06 DW07 DW08}
#@ set synlib_model_map_effort  "medium"
#@ set synlib_optimize_non_cache_elements  "true"
#@ set synlib_prefer_ultra_license "false"
#@ set synlib_sequential_module   "default"
#@ set synlib_wait_for_design_license {}
#@ #
#@ #       Insert_DFT Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ set test_default_client_order [list]
#@ set test_point_keep_hierarchy "false"
#@ set insert_dft_clean_up "true"
#@ #
#@ #       Insert_Test Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the designs created by the INSERT_TEST and INSERT_SCAN commands.
#@ #
#@ set insert_test_design_naming_style  "%s_test_%d"
#@ # /*insert_test_scan_chain_only_one_clock = "false"
#@ # Replace by command line option (star 17215) -- Denis Martin 28-Jan-93*/
#@ set test_clock_port_naming_style  "test_c%s"
#@ set test_scan_clock_a_port_naming_style  "test_sca%s"
#@ set test_scan_clock_b_port_naming_style  "test_scb%s"
#@ set test_scan_clock_port_naming_style   "test_sc%s"
#@ set test_scan_enable_inverted_port_naming_style   "test_sei%s"
#@ set test_scan_enable_port_naming_style   "test_se%s"
#@ set test_scan_in_port_naming_style   "test_si%s%s"
#@ set test_scan_out_port_naming_style  "test_so%s%s"
#@ set test_non_scan_clock_port_naming_style  "test_nsc_%s"
#@ set test_default_min_fault_coverage  95
#@ set insert_test_map_effort_enabled  TRUE
#@ set test_dedicated_subdesign_scan_outs  "true"
#@ set test_disable_find_best_scan_out  "false"
#@ set test_dont_fix_constraint_violations  "false"
#@ set test_isolate_hier_scan_out  0
#@ set test_mode_port_naming_style  "test_mode%s"
#@ set test_mode_port_inverted_naming_style  "test_mode_i%s"
#@ set compile_dont_use_dedicated_scanout 1
#@ #
#@ #        Analyze_Scan Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #     These variables affect the designs created by the PREVIEW_SCAN command.
#@ #
#@ set test_preview_scan_shows_cell_types  "false"
#@ set test_scan_link_so_lockup_key "l"
#@ set test_scan_link_wire_key  "w"
#@ set test_scan_segment_key  "s"
#@ set test_scan_true_key  "t"
#@ set test_jump_over_bufs_invs "true"
#@ #
#@ #        bsd Variable Group:
#@ #        These variables affect the report generated by the check_bsd command
#@ #        and the BSDLout generated by the write_bsdl command.
#@ #
#@ set test_user_test_data_register_naming_style  "UTDR%d"
#@ set test_user_defined_instruction_naming_style  "USER%d"
#@ set test_bsdl_default_suffix_name  "bsdl"
#@ set test_bsdl_max_line_length  80
#@ set test_cc_ir_masked_bits 0
#@ set test_cc_ir_value_of_masked_bits 0
#@ set test_bsd_allow_tolerable_violations "false"
#@ set test_bsd_optimize_control_cell "false"
#@ set test_bsd_control_cell_drive_limit 0
#@ set test_bsd_manufacturer_id 0
#@ set test_bsd_part_number 0
#@ set test_bsd_version_number 0
#@ #
#@ #        TestManager Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the TestManager methodology.
#@ #
#@ set multi_pass_test_generation  "false"
#@ #
#@ #        TestSim Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the TestSim behavior.
#@ #
#@ # set testsim_print_stats_file  "true"
#@ #      Test DRC Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the check_test command.
#@ #
#@ set test_capture_clock_skew  "small_skew"
#@ set test_allow_clock_reconvergence  "true"
#@ set test_check_port_changes_in_capture  "true"
#@ set test_infer_slave_clock_pulse_after_capture "infer"
#@ #
#@ #       Test Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the check_test, write_test_protocol
#@ #       and write_test command.
#@ #
#@ set test_default_delay  5.0
#@ set test_default_bidir_delay  55.0
#@ set test_default_strobe  95.0
#@ set test_default_strobe_width  0.0
#@ set test_default_period  100.0
#@ set test_default_scan_style  "multiplexed_flip_flop"
#@ set test_stil_netlist_format "db"
#@ set test_stil_multiclock_capture_procedures "false"
#@ set test_write_four_cycle_stil_protocol "false"
#@ set test_protocol_add_cycle "true"
#@ #
#@ #       JTAG variable group (associated with the insert_jtag command):
#@ #
#@ #       These variables are associated with JTAG synthesis.
#@ #
#@ set jtag_port_drive_limit  6
#@ set jtag_manufacturer_id  0
#@ set jtag_version_number  0
#@ set jtag_part_number  65535
#@ set jtag_test_data_in_port_naming_style  "jtag_tdi%s"
#@ set jtag_test_data_out_port_naming_style  "jtag_tdo%s"
#@ set jtag_test_mode_select_port_naming_style  "jtag_tms%s"
#@ set jtag_test_clock_port_naming_style  "jtag_tck%s"
#@ set jtag_test_reset_port_naming_style   "jtag_trst%s"
#@ #
#@ #       Create_Test_Patterns Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the create_test_patterns command.
#@ #
#@ # From Peace on, the "atpg_test_asynchronous_pins" is obsolete
#@ # set atpg_test_asynchronous_pins  "true"
#@ set atpg_bidirect_output_only  "false"
#@ #
#@ #       Write_Test Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect output of the WRITE_TEST command.
#@ #
#@ set write_test_input_dont_care_value  "X"
#@ set write_test_vector_file_naming_style  "%s_%d.%s"
#@ set write_test_scan_check_file_naming_style   "%s_schk.%s"
#@ set write_test_pattern_set_naming_style  "TC_Syn_%d"
#@ set write_test_max_cycles  0
#@ set write_test_max_scan_patterns  0
#@ # /*retain "tssi_ascii" (equivalent to "tds") for backward compatability */
#@ set write_test_formats   {synopsys tssi_ascii tds verilog vhdl wgl}
#@ set write_test_include_scan_cell_info  "true"
#@ set write_test_round_timing_values "true"
#@ #
#@ #       Schematic and EDIF and Hdl Variable Groups:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the schematics created by the
#@ #       create_schematic command, define the behavior of the
#@ #       DC system EDIF interface, and are for controlling hdl
#@ #       reading.
#@ #
#@ set bus_dimension_separator_style  {][}
#@ set bus_naming_style  {%s[%d]}
#@ #
#@ #       Schematic and EDIF Variable Groups:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the schematics created by the
#@ #       create_schematic command and define the behavior of
#@ #       the DC system EDIF interface.
#@ #
#@ set bus_range_separator_style  ":"
#@ #
#@ # EDIF and Io Variable Groups:
#@ #
#@ # These variables define the behavior of the DC system EDIF interface and
#@ # define the behavior of the DC system interfaces, i.e. LSI, Mentor, TDL, SGE,# etc.
#@ set bus_inference_descending_sort  "true"
#@ set bus_inference_style  ""
#@ set write_name_nets_same_as_ports  "false"
#@ #
#@ #       Schematic Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables affect the schematics created by the
#@ #       create_schematic command.
#@ #
#@ set font_library  "1_25.font"
#@ set generic_symbol_library  "generic.sdb"
#@ set gen_max_ports_on_symbol_side  0
#@ set duplicate_ports   "false"
#@ set sheet_sizes  {A B C D E infinite mentor_maximum sge_maximum}
#@ set single_group_per_sheet  "false"
#@ set use_port_name_for_oscs  "true"
#@ set gen_bussing_exact_implicit  "false"
#@ set gen_cell_pin_name_separator  "/"
#@ set gen_max_compound_name_length  256
#@ set gen_show_created_symbols  "false"
#@ set gen_match_ripper_wire_widths  "false"
#@ set gen_show_created_busses  "false"
#@ set gen_dont_show_single_bit_busses  "false"
#@ set gen_single_osc_per_name  "false"
#@ set gen_create_netlist_busses  "true"
#@ set sort_outputs  "false"
#@ set gen_open_name_prefix  "Open"
#@ set gen_open_name_postfix  ""
#@ set default_schematic_options  "-size infinite"
#@ # This setting makes gen use the old way to annotate schematics for
#@ #   everything except sheets, which is fast enough.
#@ #
#@ set annotation_control  64
#@ #
#@ #       Plot Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables define the operating system and plotter
#@ #       interface to the Design Compiler.  These should be set at
#@ #       installation time, if needed, and then changed only if you
#@ #       start using a new type of plotter.
#@ #
#@ #       These four variables must be changed if you use a larger or
#@ #       smaller plotter or printer:
#@ #
#@ #       plotter_maxx, plotter_maxy, plotter_minx, plotter_miny
#@ #
#@ #       See the group of site-specific variables at the top of this
#@ #       file to set the name of your printer or plotter.
#@ #
#@ #
#@ set plot_orientation  "best_fit"
#@ set plotter_maxx   584
#@ set plotter_maxy   764
#@ set plotter_minx   28
#@ set plotter_miny   28
#@ set plot_scale_factor   100
#@ set plot_box   "false"
#@ #
#@ #       Io Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables define the behavior of the DC system
#@ #       interfaces, i.e. LSI, Mentor, TDL, SGE, etc.
#@ #
#@ set db2sge_output_directory  ""
#@ set db2sge_scale  "2"
#@ set db2sge_overwrite   "true"
#@ set db2sge_display_symbol_names  "false"
#@ set db2sge_display_pin_names  "false"
#@ set db2sge_display_instance_names   "false"
#@ set db2sge_use_bustaps   "false"
#@ set db2sge_use_compound_names   "true"
#@ set db2sge_bit_type   "std_logic"
#@ set db2sge_bit_vector_type   "std_logic_vector"
#@ set db2sge_one_name   "'1'"
#@ set db2sge_zero_name  "'0'"
#@ set db2sge_unknown_name  "'X'"
#@ set db2sge_target_xp  "false"
#@ set db2sge_tcf_package_file  "synopsys_tcf.vhd"
#@ set db2sge_use_lib_section  ""
#@ set db2sge_script  ""
#@ set db2sge_command  ""
#@ set equationout_and_sign  "*"
#@ set equationout_or_sign  "+"
#@ set equationout_postfix_negation  "true"
#@ set lsiin_net_name_prefix  "NET_"
#@ set lsiout_inverter_cell  ""
#@ set lsiout_upcase  "true"
#@ set mentor_bidirect_value  "INOUT"
#@ set mentor_do_path  ""
#@ set mentor_input_output_property_name  "PINTYPE"
#@ set mentor_input_value  "IN"
#@ set mentor_logic_one_value  "1SF"
#@ set mentor_logic_zero_one_property_name  "INIT"
#@ set mentor_logic_zero_value  "0SF"
#@ set mentor_output_value  "OUT"
#@ set mentor_primitive_property_name  "PRIMITIVE"
#@ set mentor_primitive_property_value  "MODULE"
#@ set mentor_reference_property_name  "COMP"
#@ set mentor_search_path   ""
#@ set mentor_write_symbols   "true"
#@ set pla_read_create_flip_flop   "false"
#@ set tdlout_upcase   "true"
#@ set xnfout_constraints_per_endpoint   "50"
#@ set xnfout_default_time_constraints   true
#@ set xnfout_clock_attribute_style   "CLK_ONLY"
#@ set xnfout_library_version  ""
#@ set xnfin_family   "4000"
#@ set xnfin_ignore_pins   "GTS GSR GR"
#@ set xnfin_dff_reset_pin_name             "RD"
#@ set xnfin_dff_set_pin_name               "SD"
#@ set xnfin_dff_clock_enable_pin_name      "CE"
#@ set xnfin_dff_data_pin_name              "D"
#@ set xnfin_dff_clock_pin_name             "C"
#@ set xnfin_dff_q_pin_name                 "Q"
#@ #
#@ #       EDIF Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables define the behavior of the DC system
#@ #       EDIF interface.
#@ #
#@ set bus_extraction_style   {%s[%d:%d]}
#@ set edifin_autoconnect_offpageconnectors   "false"
#@ set edifin_autoconnect_ports   "false"
#@ set edifin_dc_script_flag   ""
#@ set edifin_delete_empty_cells   "true"
#@ set edifin_delete_ripper_cells   "true"
#@ set edifin_ground_net_name   ""
#@ set edifin_ground_net_property_name   ""
#@ set edifin_ground_net_property_value   ""
#@ set edifin_ground_port_name   ""
#@ set edifin_instance_property_name    ""
#@ set edifin_portinstance_disabled_property_name   ""
#@ set edifin_portinstance_disabled_property_value   ""
#@ set edifin_portinstance_property_name   ""
#@ set edifin_power_net_name  ""
#@ set edifin_power_net_property_name  ""
#@ set edifin_power_net_property_value  ""
#@ set edifin_power_port_name  ""
#@ set edifin_use_identifier_in_rename  "false"
#@ set edifin_view_identifier_property_name  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_logic_1_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_logic_0_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_in_port_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_out_port_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_inout_port_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_in_osc_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_out_osc_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_inout_osc_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_mentor_netcon_symbol  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_ripper_bits_property  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_ripper_bus_end  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_ripper_cell_name  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_ripper_view_name  ""
#@ set edifin_lib_route_grid  1024
#@ set edifin_lib_templates  {}
#@ set edifout_dc_script_flag  ""
#@ set edifout_design_name  "Synopsys_edif"
#@ set edifout_designs_library_name  "DESIGNS"
#@ set edifout_display_instance_names  "false"
#@ set edifout_display_net_names  "false"
#@ set edifout_external  "true"
#@ set edifout_external_graphic_view_name  "Graphic_representation"
#@ set edifout_external_netlist_view_name  "Netlist_representation"
#@ set edifout_external_schematic_view_name  "Schematic_representation"
#@ set edifout_ground_name  "logic_0"
#@ set edifout_ground_net_name  ""
#@ set edifout_ground_net_property_name  ""
#@ set edifout_ground_net_property_value  ""
#@ set edifout_ground_pin_name  "logic_0_pin"
#@ set edifout_ground_port_name  "GND"
#@ set edifout_instance_property_name   ""
#@ set edifout_instantiate_ports  "false"
#@ set edifout_library_graphic_view_name  "Graphic_representation"
#@ set edifout_library_netlist_view_name  "Netlist_representation"
#@ set edifout_library_schematic_view_name  "Schematic_representation"
#@ set edifout_merge_libraries  "false"
#@ set edifout_multidimension_arrays  "false"
#@ set edifout_name_oscs_different_from_ports  "false"
#@ set edifout_name_rippers_same_as_wires  "false"
#@ set edifout_netlist_only   "false"
#@ set edifout_no_array   "false"
#@ set edifout_numerical_array_members   "false"
#@ set edifout_pin_direction_in_value   ""
#@ set edifout_pin_direction_inout_value   ""
#@ set edifout_pin_direction_out_value   ""
#@ set edifout_pin_direction_property_name   ""
#@ set edifout_pin_name_property_name   ""
#@ set edifout_portinstance_disabled_property_name    ""
#@ set edifout_portinstance_disabled_property_value    ""
#@ set edifout_portinstance_property_name    ""
#@ set edifout_power_and_ground_representation   "cell"
#@ set edifout_power_name    "logic_1"
#@ set edifout_power_net_name   ""
#@ set edifout_power_net_property_name   ""
#@ set edifout_power_net_property_value   ""
#@ set edifout_power_pin_name    "logic_1_pin"
#@ set edifout_power_port_name    "VDD"
#@ set edifout_skip_port_implementations   "false"
#@ set edifout_target_system   ""
#@ set edifout_top_level_symbol   "true"
#@ set edifout_translate_origin   ""
#@ set edifout_unused_property_value   ""
#@ set edifout_write_attributes   "false"
#@ set edifout_write_constraints   "false"
#@ set edifout_write_properties_list   {}
#@ set read_name_mapping_nowarn_libraries   {}
#@ set write_name_mapping_nowarn_libraries    {}
#@ #
#@ #       Hdl and Vhdlio Variable Groups:
#@ #
#@ #       These variables are for controlling hdl reading, writing,
#@ #       and optimizing.
#@ #
#@ set hdlin_advisor_directory   "."
#@ set bus_minus_style   "-%d"
#@ set hdlin_write_gtech_design_directory   "."
#@ set hdlin_enable_analysis_info   "false"
#@ set hdlin_hide_resource_line_numbers   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_reg_report_length   60
#@ set hdlin_auto_save_templates   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_replace_synthetic   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_dont_check_param_width FALSE
#@ set hdlin_latch_always_async_set_reset   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_ff_always_sync_set_reset   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_ff_always_async_set_reset   TRUE
#@ set hdlin_check_no_latch   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_report_inferred_modules   "true"
#@ set hdlin_reg_report_length   60
#@ set hdlin_translate_off_skip_text   false
#@ set hdlin_keep_feedback   FALSE
#@ set hdlin_keep_inv_feedback   TRUE
#@ set hdlin_infer_mux   "default"
#@ set hdlin_merge_nested_conditional_statements   false
#@ set hdlin_dont_infer_mux_for_resource_sharing   "true"
#@ set hdlin_mux_oversize_ratio   100
#@ set hdlin_mux_size_limit   32
#@ set hdlin_infer_multibit   "default_none"
#@ set hdlin_enable_vpp   false
#@ set hdlin_preserve_vpp_files   false
#@ set hdlin_vpp_temporary_directory   ""
#@ set hdlin_dont_turbo_instances_with_generics "true"
#@ set hdlin_vhdl93_concat      "true"
#@ set hdlin_enable_rtldrc_info "false"
#@ set hdl_preferred_license   ""
#@ set hdl_keep_licenses   "true"
#@ set hlo_resource_allocation   "constraint_driven"
#@ set hlo_transform_constant_multiplication   "false"
#@ set hlo_minimize_tree_delay   true
#@ set hlo_resource_implementation   "use_fastest"
#@ set hlo_share_common_subexpressions   true
#@ set hlo_share_effort   low
#@ set hlo_ignore_priorities   false
#@ set sdfout_top_instance_name   ""
#@ set sdfout_time_scale   1.0
#@ set sdfout_min_rise_net_delay   0.
#@ set sdfout_min_fall_net_delay   0.
#@ set sdfout_min_rise_cell_delay   0.
#@ set sdfout_min_fall_cell_delay   0.
#@ set sdfout_write_to_output   "false"
#@ set sdfout_allow_non_positive_constraints   "false"
#@ set sdfin_top_instance_name   ""
#@ set sdfin_min_rise_net_delay   0.
#@ set sdfin_min_fall_net_delay   0.
#@ set sdfin_min_rise_cell_delay   0.
#@ set sdfin_min_fall_cell_delay   0.
#@ set sdfin_rise_net_delay_type   "maximum"
#@ set sdfin_fall_net_delay_type   "maximum"
#@ set sdfin_rise_cell_delay_type   "maximum"
#@ set sdfin_fall_cell_delay_type   "maximum"
#@ set site_info_file ${synopsys_root}/admin/license/site_info
#@ if { [string compare $dc_shell_mode "tcl"] == 0 } {
#@   alias site_info sh cat $site_info_file
#@ } else {
#@   alias site_info "sh cat site_info_file"
#@ }
#@ set hdl_naming_threshold   20
#@ set template_naming_style   "%s_%p"
#@ set template_parameter_style   "%s%d"
#@ set template_separator_style   "_"
#@ set design_library_file   ".synopsys_vss.setup"
#@ set verilogout_equation "false"
#@ set verilogout_ignore_case   "false"
#@ set verilogout_no_tri   "false"
#@ set verilogout_single_bit   "false"
#@ set verilogout_higher_designs_first   "FALSE"
#@ set verilogout_levelize   "FALSE"
#@ set verilogout_include_files   {}
#@ set verilogout_unconnected_prefix   "SYNOPSYS_UNCONNECTED_"
#@ set verilogout_show_unconnected_pins   "FALSE"
#@ set verilogout_no_negative_index   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_architecture_name   "SYN_%a_%u"
#@ set vhdlout_bit_type   "std_logic"
#@ set vhdlout_bit_type_resolved   "TRUE"
#@ set vhdlout_bit_vector_type   "std_logic_vector"
#@ set vhdlout_conversion_functions   {}
#@ set vhdlout_dont_write_types   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_equations   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_one_name   "'1'"
#@ set vhdlout_package_naming_style   "CONV_PACK_%d"
#@ set vhdlout_preserve_hierarchical_types   "VECTOR"
#@ set vhdlout_separate_scan_in   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_single_bit   "USER"
#@ set vhdlout_target_simulator   ""
#@ set vhdlout_three_state_name   "'Z'"
#@ set vhdlout_three_state_res_func   ""
#@ set vhdlout_time_scale   1.0
#@ set vhdlout_top_configuration_arch_name   "A"
#@ set vhdlout_top_configuration_entity_name   "E"
#@ set vhdlout_top_configuration_name  "CFG_TB_E"
#@ set vhdlout_unknown_name   "'X'"
#@ set vhdlout_upcase   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_use_packages   {IEEE.std_logic_1164}
#@ set vhdlout_wired_and_res_func   ""
#@ set vhdlout_wired_or_res_func   ""
#@ set vhdlout_write_architecture   "TRUE"
#@ set vhdlout_write_components   "TRUE"
#@ set vhdlout_write_entity   "TRUE"
#@ set vhdlout_write_top_configuration   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_synthesis_off   "TRUE"
#@ set vhdlout_zero_name   "'0'"
#@ set vhdlout_levelize   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_dont_create_dummy_nets   "FALSE"
#@ set vhdlout_follow_vector_direction   "FALSE"
#@ # variables pertaining to VHDL library generation
#@ set vhdllib_timing_mesg   "true"
#@ set vhdllib_timing_xgen   "false"
#@ set vhdllib_timing_checks   "true"
#@ set vhdllib_negative_constraint   "false"
#@ set vhdllib_glitch_handle   "true"
#@ set vhdllib_pulse_handle   "use_vhdllib_glitch_handle"
#@ # /*vhdllib_architecture = {FTBM, UDSM, FTSM, FTGS, VITAL}; */
#@ set vhdllib_architecture   {UDSM, FTSM, FTGS, VITAL}
#@ set vhdllib_tb_compare   0
#@ set vhdllib_tb_x_eq_dontcare   FALSE
#@ set vhdllib_logic_system   "ieee-1164"
#@ set vhdllib_logical_name   ""
#@ # variables pertaining to technology library processing
#@ set read_db_lib_warnings   FALSE
#@ set read_translate_msff    TRUE
#@ set libgen_max_differences   -1
#@ #
#@ #        View Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables define the behavior of the Design_Analyzer.
#@ #        Each user may wish to customize the cursor color, or , , etc. of the
#@ #        viewer in his/her own .synopsys file.
#@ #
#@ #
#@ set view_maximum_route_grids   0
#@ set view_dialogs_modal   "true"
#@ set view_disable_error_windows   "false"
#@ set view_error_window_count   6
#@ set view_log_file   ""
#@ set view_busy_during_selection   "true"
#@ set view_set_cursor_area   5
#@ set view_cache_images   "true"
#@ set view_draw_text_breakpoint   0.01
#@ set view_use_integer_scaling   "false"
#@ set view_use_x_routines   "true"
#@ set view_disable_output   "false"
#@ #set view_arch_types   {sparcOS5, hpux10, apollo, decmips, hp700, mips, necmips, rs6000, sgimips, sonymips, sun3, sparc}
#@ set view_icon_path ${init_path}/icons
#@ set view_background   "black"
#@ set view_disable_cursor_warping   "true"
#@ set view_watcher ${bin_path}/da_watcher_exec
#@ set da_ref_manual "synth/daptr/toc.pdf"
#@ set view_command_win_max_lines   1000
#@ set view_select_separator   "  -  "
#@ set view_select_default_message   "Left Button: Select   -   Middle Button: Add/Modify Select   -   Right Button: Menu"
#@ set view_on_line_doc_cmd ${synopsys_root}/sold
#@ set view_info_search_cmd ${synopsys_root}/infosearch/scripts/InfoSearch
#@ set view_script_submenu_items   {}
#@ set x11_set_cursor_number   -1
#@ set x11_set_cursor_foreground   ""
#@ set x11_set_cursor_background   ""
#@ set view_set_selecting_color    ""
#@ set view_use_small_cursor   ""
#@ # added for star 12763
#@ set view_tools_menu_items   {}          
#@ # affect the HDL Text Viewer
#@ set text_unselect_on_button_press   "true"
#@ set text_editor_command   "xterm -fn 8x13 -e vi %s &"
#@ set test_design_analyzer_uses_insert_scan   "true"
#@ #
#@ # If you like emacs, uncomment the next line
#@ # set text_editor_command  "emacs -fn 8x13 %s &" ;
#@ # You can delete pairs from this list, but you can't add new ones
#@ # unless you also update the UIL files.  So, customers can not add
#@ # dialogs to this list, only Synopsys can do that.
#@ #
#@ set view_independent_dialogs   { "test_report",    " Test Reports ",                              "report_print",   " Report ",                              "report_options", " Report Options ",                              "report_win",     " Report Output ",                              "manual_page",    " Manual Page " }
#@ # if color Silicon Graphics workstation
#@ if { [info exists x11_vendor_string] && [info exists x11_is_color]} {
#@   if {  $x11_vendor_string == "Silicon" && $x11_is_color == "true" } {
#@     set x11_set_cursor_foreground "magenta"
#@     set view_use_small_cursor "true"
#@     set view_set_selecting_color "white"
#@   }
#@ }
#@ # if running on an Apollo machine
#@ set found_x11_vendor_string_apollo 0
#@ set found_arch_apollo 0
#@ if { [info exists x11_vendor_string]} {
#@   if { $x11_vendor_string == "Apollo "} {
#@     set found_x11_vendor_string_apollo 1
#@   }
#@ }
#@ if { [info exists arch]} {
#@   if { $arch == "apollo"} {
#@     set found_arch_apollo 1
#@   }
#@ }
#@ if { $found_x11_vendor_string_apollo == 1 || $found_arch_apollo == 1} {
#@   set enable_page_mode  "false"
#@ } else {
#@   set enable_page_mode  "true"
#@ }
#@ # don't work around this bug on the Apollo
#@ if { $found_x11_vendor_string_apollo == 1} {
#@   set view_extend_thick_lines "false"
#@ } else {
#@   set view_extend_thick_lines "true"
#@ }
#@ #
#@ #        Suffix Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        Suffixes recognized by the Design Analyzer menu in file choices
#@ #
#@ set view_read_file_suffix    {db gdb sdb edif eqn fnc lsi mif NET pla st tdl v vhd vhdl xnf}
#@ set view_analyze_file_suffix    {v vhd vhdl}
#@ set view_write_file_suffix   {gdb db sdb do edif eqn fnc lsi NET neted pla st tdl v vhd vhdl xnf}
#@ set view_execute_script_suffix   {.script .scr .dcs .dcv .dc .con}
#@ set view_arch_types   {sparcOS5 hpux10 rs6000 sgimips}
#@ #
#@ #        links_to_layout Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the read_timing, write_timing
#@ #        set_annotated_delay, compile, create_wire_load and reoptimize_design
#@ #        commands.
#@ #
#@ set rtl_load_resistance_factor 0.0
#@ set auto_wire_load_selection   "true"
#@ set compile_create_wire_load_table   "false"
#@ #      power Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the behavior of power analysis.
#@ #
#@ #
#@ set power_keep_license_after_power_commands   "false"
#@ set power_rtl_saif_file                       "power_rtl.saif"
#@ set power_sdpd_saif_file                      "power_sdpd.saif"
#@ set power_preserve_rtl_hier_names             "false"
#@ set power_do_not_size_icg_cells               "false"
#@ set power_hdlc_do_not_split_cg_cells          "false"
#@ #      BC Variable Group:
#@ #
#@ #        These variables affect the BC behavior
#@ #
#@ #
#@ #
#@ # BCView
#@ #
#@ set bc_enable_analysis_info           "false"
#@ #
#@ # Scheduling
#@ #
#@ set bc_enable_chaining                "true"
#@ set bc_enable_multi_cycle             "true"
#@ set bc_enable_speculative_execution   "false"
#@ #
#@ # Control Generation
#@ #
#@ set bc_fsm_coding_style               "one_hot"
#@ #
#@ # Netlisting
#@ #
#@ #Ki-Seok: removed the following 3 variables: Jan. 1999
#@ #/*
#@ #set bc_no_reset_on_datapath           "true"
#@ #set bc_clears_all_registers           "false"
#@ #set bc_connect_reset                  "true"
#@ #*/
#@ #/*
#@ # * Timing (bc_time_design and timing estimates during scheduling)
#@ # */
#@ #/* Removed by Suhrid A. Wadekar  Feb. 11, 1999.
#@ # * bc_preserved_functions_map_effort is no longer supported
#@ # */
#@ #/*
#@ #set bc_preserved_functions_map_effort         "medium"
#@ #*/
#@ set bc_time_all_sequential_op_bindings        "false"
#@ set bc_estimate_mux_input                     4
#@ set bc_estimate_timing_effort                 "high"
#@ #/*
#@ # * Memories
#@ # */
#@ set bc_allow_shared_memories          "false"
#@ set bc_constrain_signal_memories      "false"
#@ set bc_detect_memory_accesses         "false"
#@ set bc_detect_array_accesses          "false"
#@ set bc_chain_read_into_mem            "true"
#@ set bc_chain_read_into_oper           "true"
#@ #/*
#@ # * Logic grouping
#@ # */
#@ set bc_group_eql_logic                "true"
#@ set bc_group_index_logic              "true"
#@ set bc_use_registerfiles              "false"
#@ #
#@ #  Reporting
#@ #
#@ set bc_report_filter                  ""
#@ #
#@ # RTLout debug mode
#@ #
#@ set vhdlout_debug_mode "false"
#@ set verilogout_debug_mode "false"
#@ # Synthesizable RTLOUT variables
#@ set bc_synrtl_map_to_gtech "true"
#@ set bc_synrtl_write_precompiled_designware "false"
#@ set bc_synrtl_write_preserved_functions "false"
#@ set bc_synrtl_write_dcsh_

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