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请教一个clock gating影响scan coverage的问题

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
1. 综合的时候加了-gate_clock之后coverage比不加低了2个百分点
工具加的clock gating 的TE端可以正确的接到scan enable上面
512 Level sensitive port captured data affected by new capture violations (C5)
540 Level sensitive port clock path affected by new capture violations (C8)
Warning: Clock SCANCLK can capture new data on LS input CK of DFF ../latch. (C5-188)
Warning: SCANCLK clock path affected by new capture on LS input CK of DFF .../latch. (C8-420)
这个latch就是工具加的 clock gating,
个人做前端经验比较多,DFT第一次做,请问这个clock gating应该怎么提高coverage呢?
2. 另外请教一个问题,前段为了做一些IP的clock控制,在rtl里加入了一些clock gating,TE端接到了scan mode上面,这个在scan的shift和capture阶段都是一直有效的,violation里面曝出了这些clock gating的逻辑就测不全了,请问这些是不是就没办法测到了。

2 gating 逻辑到IP外面和别的信号与或一下用scan_md 做mux出来,要不然是不是信号就断在black box里面了

查一下出来的网表里面clock gate上的TE信号连得是scan enable还是test mode/scan mode,如果是test mode/scan mode必然会导致cov下降

把手动例化的clock gate 用mux 和test mode 信号bypass掉。这样覆盖率是可以上来。

是scan en,这个是tool插的,
只有手动例化的clk gate TE端我接死到了scan mode

不是吧,只不过在scan mode下面这个clock gate的逻辑因为TE 是constant就有些功能测不到了

就是这个意思啊,产生gaten 信号的逻辑就测不到了,虽然你scan_md会使得clk常开,

那可以破吗,我可以把SCAN enable接上去,不过怎么让tool知道呢?

1,实际上是我在做clock结构的时候,有一个地方没有让scan clk在scan mode下直通过去导致了tool自己加了很多clock mux在gate前面来bypass scan clock
2. scan en 连到手动instance的gate上貌似没有报什么violation,coverage也有提高,不过还要仿真验证一下。

Warning: Clock SCANCLK can capture new data on TE input CKN of DFF .../rptr_reg_4_. (C6-1)
         Source of violation: input CK of DFF ..../u_spi_sfifo_tx/rempty_reg.
       C6  Clock C can capture new data on TE input I1 of <type> S1. Source of
       violations: input I2 of <type> S2.
       Default Severity: Warning
       A clock must not capture data into a trailing edge (TE) input  if  that
       data  can  be  affected  by new captured data. C is the clock port; the
       <type> is either DLAT (latch) or DFF (flip-flop); I1 and I2  are  input
       pin names; S1 and S2 are cell names.
       Violation of this rule has the following effects:
       * Introduces the risk that test generation might need an additional simulation pass and will not correctly control the new value that is captured, resulting in some loss of test coverage.
       * A potential rule violation occurs on a clock if a clock input of a TE pin is in the clock cone and its data input (including RAM address) is in the effect cone. This input is called the sink of the violation. To be considered a violation, the source must not be a TE pin, the source clock must be capable of being at 1 (0 if LE) when the sink clock is at 1, and it must be possible to propagate the path from source to sink under this condition.
       A clock cone is the cone of combinational logic fanning out from a sin-
       gle clock input port and extending to one  or  more  sequential  device
       input pins or a primary output port. An effect cone is the cone of com-
       binational logic fanning out from the output pin of a sequential device
       (clocked  by  CLK1 for example) and extending through all combinational
       logic until it reaches  other  sequential  devices  or  primary  output
       ports.  An  effect  cone  is always relative to a specific clock (CLK1)
       connected to the clock/set/reset pin of a sequential device.

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