微波EDA网,见证研发工程师的成长! 2025年03月27日 星期四
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IC compiler route not cover pinsing

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
I used M2 pins in in design planning stage, or floor planning stage:- resetn + NET resetn
+ LAYER M2 ( 0 0 ) ( 70 70 )
+ PLACED ( 735.00 0.00 ) N ;

then finished everything for tsmc 28nm node place and route in IC compiler.
but I noticed, in the finished database,that most often than not, the M2 metal would not cover the M2 pin
which is a 0.07X0.07 square.
Since I use M2 label, (M2, pin) to label the center of the pin, the problem would cause the unattached label, and fails LVS in
calibre run.
Please help

maybe the boundary constraints has caused this .
besides , M2 pin is too low layer

thank you, yangzai1236, for the reply. I will try those.one question: why IC compiler did not output gds with my original pin shape M2 (0 0) (70 70)?
the strange things are that not every case outputing the same way.

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