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power domain 与 voltage area的区别

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
power domain 与 voltage area的区别,不太清晰,请大家指教,谢谢。

另外,烦请大家解释下always-on cell,谢谢

另外,烦请大家解释下alway-on cell,谢谢

必须先定义power domain,才有voltage area,
voltage area更偏重物理位置和区域,power domain则先有这个概念才对,

power domain is logical constrain, and voltage area is physical constrain. Each domain need have one area specified.
always-on cell, usually in power-gated design, is relative to the std cell which can be shut down. the rail should be different

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