POWER CUT Cell到底有几种
PCUT CELL的io ground是short的,io power是open的;
io ground是diode连接的,
io power是anti-diode的,就是两个diode相对连接。
请问哪位能将POWER CUT CELL完整讲一讲?谢了!
只是用几个 diode 接在一起, 看电位差多少接几个. 主要是防ESD用,当有突波打进来时,有回路可以跑
power cut cell 有很多种的阿,看你是VSS作ESD泻电还是VDD,大部分还是VSS把,一般会把VSS连载一起,VDD断开,这是一种,还有就是VDD那个通路上加反偏二级管,高电压下导通,一般电压下它是关闭的,VDD也就是独立的
处于安全考量一般power cut都是双向的,无论是针对电源还是地。例如VDD1,VDD2,VSS1,VSS2.那么对VDD1,VDD2两者间有正接和反接的DIODE,VSS1,VSS2同理。因为我们现在的工艺一般是PSUB,所有的VSS都通过衬底进行了物理连接,所以说他们short倒是没错。
我之前在spice里没看到Diode,以为在cut cell里没有,看来要实际看Layout才能确定。
Typically, there is only one type of power cut. which the grounds are short together and let vdds open.
For analog io section, you might like to do complete cut, i.e. ground and vdd use only on that section of IO sections( likes power/ground for PLLs).
主要是为了ESD 保护用的, 因为ESD 测试时, 如果把digital IO pad 和analog power pad 断开, 很容易就会造成高电压乱窜, ESD fail. Power cut IO cell 一般是用back to back diode 连接。就我所知,ground ring 也应该用back to back diode, 而不是直接连接, 以避免digital ground bounce 影响 analog ground.
it depends what power you want to cut.
Often, you need to do your own custom circuits if tsmc doesn't have that kind of cut cell.
刚刚看了SMIC的I/O rule里面关于power cut cell ,用DIODE降低电源窜扰、增强ESD保护,但具体I/Oschematic和layout还不太清楚
There are very few papers published [8], [6] where the PCMC
in DICM is discussed and models derived.