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时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:

我的输入是sclbufferi sdabufferi reset 输出是 sdabuffero
这是我整个的流程  请熟悉DC的同志看看,究竟是哪里不对啊  谢谢了。

Starting shell in XG mode...
Initializing gui preferences from file  /home/user/.synopsys_dv_prefs.tcl
design_vision-xg-t> gui_start

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP1 set libraries for design #
set search_path [list /home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys /home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/symbols/synopsys
set link_library [list "*" ss_1v62_125c.db tt_1v8_25c.db ff_1v98_m40c.db]
set target_library [list ss_1v62_125c.db]
set symbol_library [list csm18ull.sdb]
set synthetic_library [list standard.sldb]

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP2 add your v
read_file -format verilog {/home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v}
Loading db file '/home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/ss_1v62_125c.db'
Loading db file '/home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/tt_1v8_25c.db'
Loading db file '/home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/ff_1v98_m40c.db'
Loading db file '/home/user/EDA_tools/synopsys/DC2005/X-2005.09-SP2/libraries/syn/gtech.db'
Loading db file '/home/user/EDA_tools/synopsys/DC2005/X-2005.09-SP2/libraries/syn/standard.sldb'
  Loading link library 'ss_1v62_125c'
  Loading link library 'tt_1v8_25c'
  Loading link library 'ff_1v98_m40c'
  Loading link library 'gtech'
Loading verilog file '/home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v'
Detecting input file type automatically (-rtl or -netlist).
Running DC verilog reader
Reading with Presto HDL Compiler (equivalent to -rtl option).
Compiling source file /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:53: 'count' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:55: 'sclbufferi' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:111: 'state' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:127: 'next' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:183: 'databuffer[7:1]' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:183: 'address' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:175: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:175: 'sdabufferi' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:175: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_flag_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:185: 'databuffer[0]' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:188: 'ackkey' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:230: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:230: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_flag_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:247: 'memaddress' is being read, but does not appear in the
sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:265: 'rwbit' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:283: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:283: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array '_nba_flag_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:340: 'notack' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity
list of the block. (ELAB-292)
Statistics for case statements in always block at line 142 in file
|           Line           |  full/ parallel  |
|           153            |    auto/auto     |
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:327: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size
of array 'databuffer'. (ELAB-349)
Inferred memory devices in process
        in routine slavecode line 95 in file
|    Register Name    |   Type    | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
|     ackkey_reg      | Flip-flop |   1   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | N  | N  | N  |
Inferred memory devices in process
        in routine slavecode line 142 in file
|    Register Name    | Type  | Width | Bus | MB | AR | AS | SR | SS | ST |
|     notack_reg      | Latch |   1   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|      rwbit_reg      | Latch |   1   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|   databuffer_reg    | Latch |   8   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|   memaddress_reg    | Latch |   3   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|   sdabuffero_reg    | Latch |   1   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|     memory_reg      | Latch |  64   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|      count_reg      | Latch |   4   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|      state_reg      | Latch |   3   |  N  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
|     address_reg     | Latch |   7   |  Y  | N  | N  | N  | -  | -  | -  |
Statistics for MUX_OPs
| block name/line  | Inputs | Outputs | # sel inputs | MB |
|  slavecode/247   |   8    |    8    |      3       | N  |
|  slavecode/327   |   8    |    1    |      3       | N  |
Presto compilation completed successfully.
Current design is now '/home/user/Desktop/slavecode.db:slavecode'
Loaded 1 design.
Current design is 'slavecode'.

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP3 set current design level #
current_design slavecode
Current design is 'slavecode'.

  Linking design 'slavecode'
  Using the following designs and libraries:
  slavecode                   /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.db
  ss_1v62_125c (library)      /home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/ss_1v62_125c.db
  tt_1v8_25c (library)        /home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/tt_1v8_25c.db
  ff_1v98_m40c (library)      /home/user/lib/aci/sc-x/synopsys/ff_1v98_m40c.db


design_vision-xg-t> #STEP4 define operations contidions #
#set_operating_conditions -library ss_1v62_125c
set_operating_conditions -library ss_1v62_125c
#set_wire_load_model -name csm18ull -library ss_lv62_125c
#set_wire_load_mode top
Removing min operating conditions from design 'slavecode'
Removing max operating conditions from design 'slavecode'

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP5 set the area constraints #
set_max_area 0

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP6 constraint IO and external environment#
#set_drive 0 [list reset]
#set_driving_cell -lib_cell PISUW -pin C [get_ports sclbufferi]
#set_driving_cell -lib_cell PBSU2W -pin C [get_ports sdabufferi]
#set_load 10 [all_outputs]
#set_max_fanout 10 slavecode

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP7 constraint timing #
create_clock -name "clock" -period 300 -waveform {0 150}  { sclbufferi  }
set_fix_hold clock
set_input_delay  5 -clock clock [all_inputs]  
set_output_delay 0 -clock clock [all_outputs]
set_output_delay 0 -clock clock [get_ports {sdabuffero}]
set_clock_latency 5 clock
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 3 clock
set_clock_transition 0.2 [get_clocks clock]
create_clock -name "sda_bufferi" -period 300 -waveform {75 225}  { sdabufferi  }
set_clock_latency 5 sda_bufferi
set_clock_uncertainty -setup 3 sda_bufferi
set_clock_transition 0.2 [get_clocks sda_bufferi]
set_fix_hold sda_bufferi
set_input_delay  5 -clock sda_bufferi [all_inputs]
set_output_delay 0 -clock sda_bufferi [all_outputs]
set_output_delay 0 -clock sda_bufferi [get_ports {sdabuffero}]

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP8 set timing exceptions #
set_dont_touch_network [list sclbufferi ]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks clock] -to [get_clocks sda_bufferi]
set_false_path -from [get_clocks sda_bufferi] -to [get_clocks clock]
#set_min_delay 300 -from sdabuffero_reg -to [get_ports sdabuffero]

design_vision-xg-t> #STEP9 do the compile #
#compile -map_effort high -area_effort low -incremental_mapping
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2516' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2521' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2527' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2529' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2539' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2540' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)
Warning: In design 'slavecode', cell 'C2542' does not drive any nets. (LINT-1)

design_vision-xg-t> report_timing
Information: Updating design information... (UID-85)
Warning: Design 'slavecode' contains 1 high-fanout nets. A fanout number of 1000 will be used for delay
calculations involving these nets. (TIM-134)
Warning: Clock port 'clock' cannot be assigned input delay relative to clock 'sda_bufferi'.  Ignoring the
value. (TIM-111)
Warning: Clock port 'clock' cannot be assigned input delay relative to clock 'sda_bufferi'.  Ignoring the
value. (TIM-111)
Information: Timing loop detected. (OPT-150)
        B_8/A B_8/Z C2353/CONTROL1_0 C2353/Z_3 C2393/DATA2_3 C2393/Z_3 C2404/DATA2_3 C2404/Z_3 count_reg
[3]/enable count_reg[3]/Q I_1/A I_1/Z
Information: Timing loop detected. (OPT-150)
        C2352/CONTROL2_0 C2352/Z_7 C2400/DATA2_7 C2400/Z_7 C2413/DATA2_7 C2413/Z_7 databuffer_reg[7]/enable
databuffer_reg[7]/Q C2505/A C2505/Z C164/u76 C164/z1525 I_86/A I_86/Z C2544/A C2544/Z C1616/A C1616/Z B_10/A

Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'count_reg[3]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[7]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'count_reg[2]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'DATA4_1' and 'Z_1' on cell 'C2345'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'count_reg[1]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'count_reg[0]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'notack_reg'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'state_reg[2]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'state_reg[1]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'state_reg[0]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'DATA3_1' and 'Z_1' on cell 'C2346'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'DATA4_0' and 'Z_0' on cell 'C2345'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'DATA3_0' and 'Z_0' on cell 'C2346'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[6]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[5]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[4]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[3]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[2]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)
Warning: Disabling timing arc between pins 'enable' and 'Q' on cell 'databuffer_reg[1]'
         to break a timing loop. (OPT-314)

Report : timing
        -path full
        -delay max
        -max_paths 1
Design : slavecode
Version: X-2005.09-SP2
Date   : Fri Apr  2 16:24:03 2010

# A fanout number of 1000 was used for high fanout net computations.

Operating Conditions: ss_1v62_125c   Library: ss_1v62_125c
Wire Load Model Mode: top

  Startpoint: ackkey_reg (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clock')
  Endpoint: ackkey_reg (rising edge-triggered flip-flop clocked by clock')
  Path Group: clock
  Path Type: max

  Point                                    Incr       Path
  clock clock' (rise edge)               150.00     150.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              5.00     155.00
  ackkey_reg/clocked_on (**SEQGEN**)       0.00     155.00 r
  ackkey_reg/Q (**SEQGEN**)                0.00     155.00 f
  I_2/Z (GTECH_NOT)                        0.00     155.00 r
  C2344/Z_0 (*SELECT_OP_2.1_2.1_1)         0.00     155.00 r
  ackkey_reg/next_state (**SEQGEN**)       0.00     155.00 r
  data arrival time                                 155.00

  clock clock' (rise edge)               450.00     450.00
  clock network delay (ideal)              5.00     455.00
  clock uncertainty                       -3.00     452.00
  ackkey_reg/clocked_on (**SEQGEN**)       0.00     452.00 r
  library setup time                       0.00     452.00
  data required time                                452.00
  data required time                                452.00
  data arrival time                                -155.00
  slack (MET)                                       297.00

  Startpoint: count_reg[0]
              (positive level-sensitive latch clocked by sda_bufferi)
  Endpoint: count_reg[0]
            (positive level-sensitive latch clocked by sda_bufferi)
  Path Group: sda_bufferi
  Path Type: max

  Point                                                   Incr       Path
  clock sda_bufferi (rise edge)                          75.00      75.00
  clock network delay (ideal)                             5.00      80.00
  time given to startpoint                                5.00      85.00
  count_reg[0]/data_in (**SEQGEN**)                       0.00      85.00 f
  count_reg[0]/Q (**SEQGEN**)                             0.00      85.00 f
  add_230/A_0 (*ADD_UNS_OP_4_1_4)                         0.00      85.00 f
  add_230/*cell*13/A[0] (DW01_inc_4)                      0.00      85.00 f
  add_230/*cell*13/U0/Z (GTECH_NOT)                       0.00      85.00 r
  add_230/*cell*13/SUM[0] (DW01_inc_4)                    0.00      85.00 r
  add_230/Z_0 (*ADD_UNS_OP_4_1_4)                         0.00      85.00 r
  C2394/Z_0 (*SELECT_OP_5.4_5.1_4)                        0.00      85.00 r
  C2405/Z_0 (*SELECT_OP_2.4_2.1_4)                        0.00      85.00 r
  count_reg[0]/data_in (**SEQGEN**)                       0.00      85.00 r
  data arrival time                                                 85.00

  clock sda_bufferi (rise edge)                          75.00      75.00
  clock network delay (ideal)                             5.00      80.00
  count_reg[0]/enable (**SEQGEN**)                        0.00      80.00 r
  time borrowed from endpoint                             5.00      85.00
  data required time                                                85.00
  data required time                                                85.00
  data arrival time                                                -85.00
  slack (MET)                                                        0.00

  Time Borrowing Information
  sda_bufferi pulse width                               150.00   
  library setup time                                      0.00   
  clock uncertainty                                      -3.00   
  max time borrow                                       147.00   
  actual time borrow                                      5.00   





感觉小编还没怎么入门啊……建议把dc的user guide好好看看吧。





Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:55: 'sclbufferi' is being read, but does not appear in the sensitivity list of the block. (ELAB-292)
这个是由于你的敏感列表中未添加这个信号,最好是用always @(*)包含所有的信号
Warning:  /home/user/Desktop/slavecode.v:175: Potential simulation-synthesis mismatch if index exceeds size of array '_nba_databuffer'. (ELAB-349)



感觉小编还没怎么入门啊……建议把dc的user guide好好看看吧。




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