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what is rf gamma value

时间:04-09 整理:3721RD 点击:
If I add a port to a microstip line and run a simulation, the value of Gamma returned is always:
Re(Gamma) = 0
im(Gamma) = 1

I'm assuming this Gamma is the standard,

Gamma = Alpha + j Beta

where Alpha is the attenuation and Beta the propagation constant. I can calculate the Beta from the slope of the S11 angle plot (and it agrees well with theory) and I can see that the attenuation Alpha is not exactly zero from the S11 mag plot.

Do I need to renormalize or maybe set some switch to have the Gamma value displayed properly or am I completely misinterpreting something here?

Thank you,

gamma is basically reflection coefficient u can check from that point of view

I don't think that is correct. This is a one port system so the reflection coefficient is given by the S11 parameter. In fact from this correctly simulated S11 parameter (the reflection coefficient) I can calculate the complex propagation constant and the values agree very well with measurement. I just think that there is a way to use the Ansoft tool to calculate it for me.

The Ansoft documentation clear states:

"complex propagation constants (gamma parameters)"

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