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How to calculate E_far field in CST with probe

时间:04-04 整理:3721RD 点击:
hello every body
i need help for calculate the E_far field with probe in cst because Field monitor will give you the field at a given frecuency but Probe will give you the field in the TIME domain at a specific point you choose.
can you help me how to define probes in cst to calculate |Ez| in 3 meters and draw Ez per frequency like this figure .

Hi Amir,

Just put Field Probe (Simulation -> Field Probe OR right click on folder Probes and New Probe...), set place and component of the field that you are going to save and perform simulation in frequency band that you need. The results you can see at 1D Results at folder Probes. BUT here you can't get Abs value of, for example, only z component of the field, for Abs value you should use Post Processing. For example, you can perform after simulation with probe: Post Processing -> General 1D -> 0D or 1D Result from... -> Check 1D(C) -> x - Extract Data in Sub Range -> xlow - lowest frequency and xhigh - highest frequency that you need -> Select Probes/E-Field/E-Field (x; x x x) -> Check Mag option -> OK -> Evaluate. So in Tables you will get result of Abs (the same as Mag) value of your field.


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