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How to generated different bit patterns in Cadence Virtuoso

时间:04-03 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear friends,

I am designing full custom shallow register,
to test my circuit I need clocks and different periodic bit stream, what is the appropriate signal source that support my test ?

Thank you very much

Why not use the vector file available in Cadence? I found this nice webpage from Columbia: https://www.bioee.ee.columbia.edu/co.../html/vec.html

Dear Vivekroy

Thank you for your nice help, I will check to see if my ADE simulator support the UltraSim simulator,
meanwhile I read the article, it is very helpful and answer my demand,
only one issue, in this method it is assumed that I give an expected pattern of the output, while I want only to apply inputs and see the output.

Thank you again

UltraSim is not required.

Cadence Spectre supports both Vector file and VCD as stimulus.

Can't you just skip the output column in the vector file?

Dear friends,

Thank you for your help
Please forgive my stupid question, I am unable to invoke the vector file, how can I edit or call this file from my simulator.
Thank you once again

Check out step 5 from this link:

Step 5: Go to Setup (from ADE-L)-> Simulation Files ... , under tab Vector Files , add the file you just created. For this example, it is ~/Cadence/vec/nand.vec

上一篇:Electrical Length Analysis

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