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hfss matlab

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does any one here know how to extract results of HFSS to use them in MATLAB and then go the way back.
For example how to extract the S-parameters curve to matlab, and then work on it to get RLCG model and go back to HFSS or Designer.

from the simulation results window in HFSS, choose (Export) and then into data file (touchstone format can be OK) any data format can be equally read by MATLAB

yep. that works. i wrote a little m-file to convert the columns of the *.sNp to a row-vektor. use it if you want.

Please upload your m-file, It can be useful for others


Right click on RESULTS. Select SOLUTION DATA...choose s-parameters for the required frequency or all the frequencies. Click EXPORT. choose file type as '.m'
This is the easiest way....

Otherwise just right click on the result window and choose export in .txt format.

you do not need Matlab
for your target

Import the HFSS model in Designer
draw the lumped elemnt schematic you
want to use to match the HFSS results
and use the Optimizer of Designer to find the right vaqlue for RLC


you can choice date file type, then the data can be extracted into the msexcel.
the data in excel can be draw into matlab.

are there any equations to look on for extracting RLGC parameters..please give some insight into this.

i want to export field or SAR distribution to matlab, but i can't. how can i do this?

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