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Pyramidal horn on HFSS, boundaries and excitation ports

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I designed a pyramidal horn on HFSS... I dnt know how to determine the boundaries and excitation ports...

honestly I dnt know what boundaries must be assigned as radiation or whatever!

I know these information might be not clear!

but I really want to know if I have a complete project, how to know each boundary's type!?

could anyone help me?

Thanx in advance!


the only radiating boundary is the rectangular aperture of the horn.

the external boundary in HFSS is a perfect electric conductor, PEC. If you excite the horn with the lumped port at the face of the port then you need to create an radiation boundary because lumped port needs to be inside the structure.

finally you need to create an airbox atleast quarter wavelength distance from the structure sorrounding the strcture made up of vaccum. this gives the practical environment around the antenna.

Thanx for ur help...

this box must be assigned as radiation box,,,

and there must be a waveport,,,

radiation boundary only when you add lumped port.

air box around the structure is to have practical boundary condition.

Attached file may help U. Look at it and find out how to assign the port and the boundary condition.

上一篇:antenna array hfss

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