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hfss, how to set wave port in my problem?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, all

I am trying to simulate the electric field distribution inside the water filled circular glass tube, while the incident wave is the TE10 mode of the waveguide(with the flange connected to one end of the cavity).

I also set up a air box more than quarter wavelength away and assign radiation boundary around it.

The hfss file is attched.

However, when I run the simualtion, an error occurs on my wave port setup.

" [error] Port refinement, process abc3d : Port "WavePort1" is incorrectly set up. A port must have a non-existent material on one side. Both "Box3" and "Box2" exist. "

I have no idea about how to set up a wave port at the interface of the waveguide and the background air.

Can anyone help me with this? And are there any other errors in my model setup? Thanks a lot for your kind help. I appreciate it.


hi friend
i saw your model and i don't get how waveport you want to apply?
explain more......

Well....problem you face is obvious .....a waveport will work only when you delete box 3(air)....as a waveport should not have any material touching on its outer face .You try it by declaring it a "lumped pot instead " and it should work for u without difficulty

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