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CPU , RAM , L2 cache for HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hello everybody,

I have this PC:

CPU : 3 GHz
RAM 3.25 GB
L2 cache : 6 M

and i am using HFSS. The problem is that HFSS running slowly? any ideas?

The latest versions of HFSS support multicore CPUs, It should increase the performance significantly.

Check if your design is using more than 3GB of ram, then it swaps to disk and therefore runs slowly.

check it out the tetrahdrals and triangles in solution set up formed during meshing is not crosssing the RAM consumption.. dense meshing may b problem... is msg is showing insufficcient memory.. go for manual meshing in such case... less meshes at continuous smooth part of structure and high meshes only at complex regions

hope it helps

select meshing technique to be AUTO or TAU Tolerant. remove unwanted spaces in the moel which is not used up for simulation. this avaoids meshing in those places in the 3d model which saves time.

you can check How Hfss running effect ram and CPU usage !
if it's less than u want , u should change it from :
TOOLS>OPTION > Hfss OPTION> solver tab!
I have COREI7 (8 tread) , I have changed the number of processor to 8! so Hfss use 8 core simultaneously !

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