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how to plot Normalized E filed using HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All,

Kindly can anyone help me how to plot the Normalized E filed (Ex,
Ey components) magnitude versus frequency using HFSS like below

In HFSS, select the surface for which you want to plot the E field, go to "Field Overalys" option which is below the Results, right click and you can figure out the remaining on how to plot.
You can either select the last adaptive frequency or the frequency sweep.
There are different options, like Magnitude of E field or Vector E field.

Hope this helped.

thank you greatly for your help

but how can i plot the Ex or Ey component only


There is no direct option to plot Ex or Ey in HFSS. Instead you need to use the "Fields Calculator" in HFSS under "Fields Overlays" option.
And add an expression which can calculate the Ex. As you know you can calculate the Ex using the dot product of E with x(hat) ie., ().
Ex = (Ex.x[hat] +Ey.y[hat]+Ez.z[hat) . (x[hat)

If you are using Fields Calculator for the first time, then you need to spend some time in understanding how it works. See the below link, it has two downloads :1) Fields Calculator Cookbook in HFSS
2) Field Vector Calculations.


thank you greatly for your support

but what is Hat , aslo if you can wirte me the exact experssion as calculator , i read it but still can't do the simluation right


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