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Power handling Vs insertion loss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Is there any relationship (linear/unlinear/whatever) between power handling and insertion loss?

If a non-dielectric structure (e.g. WG), insertion loss is only caused by conductor loss, which should relate to skin current and voltage, which should then relate to power handling, am I correct?

e.g. a 4-port waveguide 3dB coupler, if insertion loss 0.1dB, what could be the approximate power handling? 100W, 150W?

Thanks for any guidance.

Typically, peak power is associated with peak electric field strength.

But it does made senses that for higher power, the loss should be make lower.

It's a direct relationship, using Watts makes it more clear.
Whom ever spec'ed the device and gave it an insertion loss (I.L.) value,
is letting you know that what ever power you put in (X), you will
get out (X - I.L.) at the output of that device (Assuming proper matching)

I.L. = 0.5dB
Pin= 0dBm
Pout = -0.5dBm
Power absorbed (I.L.) = 1.0875e-004 W

Now if Pin =59dBm
Pout = 58.5dBm
Power absorbed(I.L.) = 86.3825 W

I.L. =1dB
Pin= 0dBm
Pout = -1dBm
Power absorbed(I.L.) = 2.0567e-004 W

Now if Pin =59dBm
Pout = 58dBm
Power absorbed(I.L.) = 163.3709 W

Hope this helps

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