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How to perform power handling analysis with Ansys HFSS

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi everyone, I'm a microwave enthusiast and a telecommunications student.
Does someone know how to perform power handling test on an elettromagnetic structure in HFSS?

Hi Paolo Squadrito,

I'm a microwave student and definitely not a telecommunications enthusiast, so I'm not sure what a "power handling test" is - can you describe this?

Hi Paolo,
to perform power handling test on an eletromagnetic structure in HFSS, you must define the value of your power in the port1, then show the field distribution on structure, as you know the maximum electric field shows in V/m. you must khnow the breakdown voltage of each materials you used in your structure. for example, if you used teflon as a dielectric, please sure the breakdown voltage of teflon is more than the obtained value in HFSS. also for air gaps.Actually the voltage breakdown is influenced by the geometry and the dielectric strength.

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