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extract inductance series connection -patent

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi Jian,

Thanks for your timely help. Can you please clear one more doubt? How to extract shunt inductance using IE3D? Should I use any extension line as one end of the inductor line is short circuited for feeding the inductor? If I want to use a finite ground plane then what should be the dimension of the finite ground plane with respect to the design dimension?

With Regards,

Hi, MM_DEVILS: What do you mean the SHUNT INDUCTANCE? For a normal spiral inductor, normally we model it as a series inductance with some possible shunt capacitances. The shunt inductance you mentioned must be associated with some specific layout. Can you explain? Thanks!

Hi Jian,

Shunt inductance that I am using is designed using a normal microstrip line of width w and length l with a via connection from the top metallic strip to the ground plane at one of the ends of the microstrip line. If the designed structure is small in order to avoid higher order modes, what should be the length of the extension line to be considered? Is it five times the dimension of the design or any arbitrary length can be considered?

With Regards,

Hi, MM_DEVILS: Normally, L about 3-5 times of H is good enough (H is the strip to ground distance). Finite ground plane size may not be very critical as long as it is significantly larger than the strip size.

Hi Jian,
Thanks. But how do I extract the inductance of the structure mentioned previously.

With Regards,

Hi, MM_Devils: Please simulate it on IE3D and MODUA is invoked to display the s-parameters. Select PROCESS->1 PORT EQUIVALENT and you can select SERIES L AND R and you will get the results. Regards.

hello, is it possible to model capacitors of particular value say 1 pF in ie3d....i am stuck because of the same..i m trying to design a dual band microstrip antenna and i want to tune the 2 freq by putting capacitor at edge..Pls help!

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