Re: S11 inductance measurement
If a default RLC resonant circuit appears, then click the Circuits menu, and go to Op Amps >> Gyrator.
I wonder why your tinyurl fails?
Thanks, Tony. Your tinyurl link works fine. It displays the gyrator circuit.
My link was produced by Falstad's version 1.5n which is no longer up-to-date with the website version. I suspected it would misbehave. I use the older version because it allows me to rearrange scope traces by editing the file directly in the Export window.
I must confess I've never computed L from s11.
From your datasheet. 50 Ohms @ 100MHz has s11 =0.333, 30 degrees which is a VSWR of 2.0 and return loss of 9.6 dB
Z = Zo * ((1 + Γ) / (1 - Γ))
Γ = (Z - Zo) / (Z + Zo)
S11 = 20 * Log10(mag)
Reflected power is the square of reflection coefficient or 1/9th or 11.1% in this example.
same example
Z= 82.9Ω +j30.7Ω
L= 30.7/(2π*1e8Hz) = 49 nH
have fun.
Why do "denominator addition" and "numerator addition" ?
Do you guys have any idea how the author arrived at this expression exactly ?
Surely learn and study very basic things.
Z_numerator=1+S.11=(1+S.11_re) + j*S.11_im
Z_denominator=1-S.11=(1-S.11_re) + j*(-S.11_im)
Could anyone tell me why I am not getting Leq to be 1nH ?
The following is the netlist for the test circuit :
* gnetlist -g spice-noqsi -o test_active_inductor.sch * SPICE file generated by spice-noqsi version 20130710 * Send requests or bug reports to RZ1 Vtest Ltest 50 Vtest Vtest GND dc 1 +ac 1 .GLOBAL Vdd Vss .PARAM SUPPLY=3.3v .options TEMP=25 .MODEL n1 NMOS .MODEL p1 PMOS .INCLUDE .INCLUDE Vd Vdd GND 'SUPPLY' Vs Vss GND 0V Ltest Ltest GND 1n .control set noaskquit AC LIN 1000 100Meg 200Meg run let S11=(2*v(Ltest)/v(Vtest)-1) settype s-param S11 let S11db=db(S11) settype decibel S11db let P11=180*ph(s11)/pi settype phase P11 plot s11db ylimit -0.5 0 plot P11 print S11 > S11.log *plot smithgrid S11 *wrs2p s3046.s2p S write touchstone vers. 1 file s3046.s2p .endc
Found the root cause for the miscalculation.
I forgot to multiply by Zo which is 50ohm
You can still do that with this version without current trace