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electric field distribution of the an FSS design using HFSS.

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi, Please do guide me in how to show electric field distribution of the an FSS design using HFSS.
Thank you in advance for your help.

When you "an FSS" do you mean a completed and simulated design? If so, then just go to the Project Manager Box on the left side and click on YOUR_PROJECT >> YOUR_DESIGN >> FIELD OVERLAYS. Right Click FIELD OVERLAYS and click on the E fields. The E fields will be plotted on whatever object/surface/plane you have selected.

Thank you kthackst for your reply, but when i right click overlays then plot field then there options E or H or J or other, if i go with E there will be three options Mag_E or ComplexMag_E or Vector_E.

so which one to chose and how to see fields distribution at certain frequency?

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