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gate level simulation 中的$deposit和force区别

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
在gate level simulation 中,$deposit(a,1)表示给一个net a 赋一个初值1,而 force a = 1也表示给a 强迫一个初值 1,请问二者的区别?什么时候使用deposit,什么时候使用force.

deposit -- 使用代码或者脚本驱动后可以由dut内部信号再次改写
deposit: it will put a value to a signal, but it will hold until it is overwritten.
for example if I 'deposite' a Q of a flip flop to a '0', it will remain a '0', untill the simulation updates it to a new value. It is like giving a initial value to a signal.
force -- 使用代码或者脚本驱动后无法通过dut内部信号改写
force: it will put a value to a signal, and this value will remain as such throughout the simulaiton. It cannot be overwritten by simulation.


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