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About timing precision of sdf file when simulation in ncsim

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
I find myncsim can only simualte the sdf file in precision of 10ps (round to 10ps)For exampe,This is a simple BUF sdf information:

  1. (CELL
  3. (INSTANCE U10)
  4. (DELAY
  6. (IOPATH A Z (0.263:0.266:0.266) (0.257:0.259:0.259))
  7. )
  8. )
  9. )


When I observe the timing sequence in simvision window, I found the simulator will round it to 270p when Z transfering from 0 to 1 because of the changing of A.
In my sdf file the Timescale (unit) is 1 ns. And in my testbench is 1ns/1ps. And according the tools documentation from cadence, the default timing precision of sdf elaberating/compiling is 1fs. I think that means we do not need to set any precision relating compiler option (like sdf_precision 1ps) in ma case. (BTW, I have tried such complier option, but help nothing).
How can I watch/oberseve a delay of 266ps or say precision in 1ps from my simulation window? Mnay thanks.!My ncsim version is IES 2012, I thnik it was "latest" enough.
Many thanks.

what is timing precesion


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