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关于TMAX32产生的STIL文件的仿真问题。 $STILDPV

时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
使用了ncverilog modelsim,这两个工具

// STIL Direct Pattern Validate Access
initial begin
// --- establish a default time format for %t
$timeformat(-9,2," ns",18);
vector_number =5;// 0;
// --- default verbosity to 0; use '+define+tmax_msg=N' on verilog compile line to change.
`ifdef tmax_msg
verbose = `tmax_msg ;
verbose = 0 ;
// --- default pattern reporting interval is every 5 patterns;
//use '+define+tmax_rpt=N' on verilog compile line to change.
`ifdef tmax_rpt
report_interval = `tmax_rpt ;
report_interval = 5 ;
// --- support generating Extened VCD output by using
//'+define+tmax_vcde' on verilog compile line.
`ifdef tmax_vcde
// extended VCD, see Verilog specification, IEEE Std. 1364-2001 section 18.3
if (verbose >= 1) $display("// %t : opening Extended VCD output file", $time);
$dumpports( dut, "sim_vcde.out");
// --- default miscompare messages are not formatted for TetraMAX diagnostics;
//use '+define+tmax_diag=N' on verilog compile line to format errors for diagnostics.
`ifdef tmax_diag
diagnostic_msg = `tmax_diag ;
diagnostic_msg = 0 ;
// '+define+tmax_parallel=N' on the command line overrides default simulation, using parallel load
//with N serial vectors at the end of each Shift
// '+define+tmax_serial=M' on the command line forces M initial serial patterns,
//followed by the remainder in parallel (with N serial vectors if tmax_parallel is also specified)
// +define+tmax_par_force_time on the command line overrides default parallel check/load time
`ifdef tmax_par_force_time
// TetraMAX parallel-mode simulation required for these patterns
`ifdef tmax_parallel
// +define+tmax_serial_timing on the command line overrides default minimal-time for parallel load behavior
`ifdef tmax_serial_timing
$STILDPV_parallel(,,0); // apply minimal time advance for parallel load_unload
// if tmax_serial_timing is defined, use equivalent serial load_unload time advance
`ifdef tmax_serial
`ifdef tmax_serial
// +define+tmax_serial_timing on the command line overrides default minimal-time for parallel load behavior
`ifdef tmax_serial_timing
$STILDPV_parallel(,,0); // apply minimal time advance for parallel load_unload
// if tmax_serial_timing is defined, use equivalent serial load_unload time advance
// default serial mode
if (verbose>3)$STILDPV_trace(1,1,1,1,1,report_interval,diagnostic_msg); // verbose=4; + trace each Vector
else if (verbose>2) $STILDPV_trace(1,0,1,1,1,report_interval,diagnostic_msg); // verbose=3; + trace labels
else if (verbose>1) $STILDPV_trace(0,0,1,1,1,report_interval,diagnostic_msg); // verbose=2; + trace WFT-changes
else if (verbose>0) $STILDPV_trace(0,0,1,0,1,report_interval,diagnostic_msg); // verbose=1; + trace proc/macro entries
else$STILDPV_trace(0,0,0,0,0,report_interval,diagnostic_msg); // verbose=0; only pattern-interval
$STILDPV_setup( "E:/simulation_stil/GPS_DSP_m4_20090617_artisan_ins_scan.stil",,,"GPS_DSP_test.dut" );
while ( !$STILDPV_done()) #($STILDPV_run( pattern_number, vector_number ));
$display("Time %t: STIL simulation data completed.",$time);
$finish; // comment this out if you terminate the simulation from other activities
// STIL Direct Pattern Validate Trace Options
// The STILDPV_trace() function takes '1' to enable a trace and '0' to disable.
// Unspecified arguments maintain their current state. Tracing may be changed at any time.
// The following arguments control tracing of:
// 1st argument: enable or disable tracing of all STIL labels
// 2nd argument: enable or disable tracing of each STIL Vector and current Vector count
// 3rd argument: enable or disable tracing of each additional Thread (new Pattern)
// 4th argument: enable or disable tracing of each WaveformTable change
// 5th argument: enable or disable tracing of each Procedure or Macro entry
// 6th argument: interval to print starting pattern messages; 0 to disable
// For example, a separate initial block may be used to control these options
// (uncomment and change time values to use):
// initial begin
//#800000 $STILDPV_trace(1,1);
//#600000 $STILDPV_trace(,0);
// Additional calls to $STILDPV_parallel() may also be defined to change parallel/serial
// operation during simulation. Any additional calls need a # time value.
// 1st integer is number of serial (flat) cycles to simulate at end of each shift
// 2nd integer is TetraMAX pattern number (starting at zero) to start parallel load
// 3rd optional value '1' will advance time during the load_unload the same as a serial
//shift operation (with no events during that time), '0' will advance minimal time
//(1 shift vector) during the parallel load_unload.
// For example,
//#8000 $STILDPV_parallel( 2,10 );
// end // of initial block with additional trace/parallel options



主要问题是ncverilog不认识 函数,苦恼,不知道什么工具能支持

write partten 时使用verilog格式,自己可以看懂,工具也能认。




9# snojasper

$STILDPV_parallel( 2,10 ); 這個類似于PLI,需要設定,VCS可以認,其他的工具沒試過;


you can use VCS + PLI (stildpv) simulation
vcs -P <txs>/stildpv/lib/stildpv_vcs.tab <txs>/stildpv/lib/libstildpv.a


tmax 可以自己产生仿真脚本文件的。






thanks for sharing

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