ICC:NO valid link library found
IC Compiler uses the “link library” to resolve all the instantiated components in a netlist. A netlist is resolved if IC Compiler finds a corresponding library cell (in any of the specified link_library files) for each leaf cell that is instantiated in the netlist, as well as a corresponding design in IC Compiler memory (that’s what the * represents) for each sub-design in the netlist. This “resolving” happens when the netlist is read in (described in a few pages).
icc_shell> open_mw_cel dfm
Warning: No valid link library found, please specify link_library. (IFS-008)
# Standard cell lib
set_min_library ${synopsys_max_db_name}.db -min_version ${synopsys_min_db_name}.db
# iopad lib
set_min_library ${iopad_max_db_name}.db-min_version ${iopad_min_db_name}.db
# SRAM macro lib
set_min_library ${ibm_sram_max_db_name}.db -min_version ${ibm_sram_min_db_name}.db
icc_shell> open_mw_cel dfm