首页 > 研发问答 > 微电子和IC设计 > IC后端设计交流 > 布局布线电源连接的问题


时间:10-02 整理:3721RD 点击:
0 new gnd-pin connection was made to global net 'VDD'.
0 new tie-lo connection was made to global net 'VDD'.
**WARN: (SOCDB-1261):No PG pin 'GND' in instances with basename '*' in the design.
**ERROR: (SOCDB-1221):A global net connection rule for connecting P/G pins of the pattern 'GND' was specified.But the connections cannot be made because there is no such pin in any cell.Check the pin name pattern and make sure it is correct.
0 new tie-hi connection was made to global net 'GND'.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11551 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11552 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11552 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11553 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11553 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11554 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11554 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11555 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11555 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11556 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11556 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11557 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11557 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11558 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11558 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11559 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11559 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11560 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VSS of inst U11560 is not connect to global special net.
Warning: pg term VDD of inst U11561 is not connect to global special net.


不是说了: But the connections cannot be made because there is no such pin in any cell.吗?你看看你的单元库的lib文件看看里面的地是不是用GND表示的啊!



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