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上海外资芯片巨头招 资深android开发,要求扎实的linux kernel

时间:12-12 整理:3721RD 点击:
The responsibilities of this position includes:
Analyze and identify system level issues of Linux and Android.
Debug the issue and find the root cause.
Resolve the issues in you specific domain independently and with good team spirit to tackle critical issues.
Co-work inside the team worldwide to support lead customer.
Required Skills & Experience:
- 6 years+ Education requested for Bachelor's or Master's degree in Computer Science, Computer Engineering or Electrical Engineering.
- Experienced for 5 to 10 years of embedded system software development experience, 3+ years linux kernel and driver development and debug experience.
- You would be expected to be faced to end customers so good communication skill is needed.
Experience in smart phone product development include:
- Development experience in linux kernel and driver, family with basic linux debug tools, able to debug common issues, like memory leak, system panic, oops, segment fault, etc.
- Strong debug ability, experience in debugging complex system issues across the stack including drivers, telephony, firmware, as well as testing skills
- Strong communication and interpersonal skills required
- Be able to work in a multi-cultural multi-site environment
Development experience in smart phone and driver is a good plus .
- Knowledge in X86 based platform architecture is a good plus.
- Knowledge in hardware is a good plus .
- Knowledge in system optimization is a good plus.
- Knowledge in power optimization is a good plus

有兴趣进一步了解的兄台们 联系我
Email: 2251638853@qq.com

不行的哦。 android项目经验一定要有的,这个职位的level和架构师平级,所以项目中扮演的角色也是比较重要的,需要匹配所以的JD要求。

嗯。 上海的。有兴趣联系我, QQ:2251638853

先说多少钱,其他都少来,什么外资,什么巨头,who care?

level和架构师同级,其实就是intel的职位,package没有给出, 但是intel的薪资水平就是那个样子。





哈哈。 是呀,6年前,第一款安卓机还没上市呢~~

就是要找一个人, 来解决疑难杂症而已.
不需要什么主动性, 只要等着别人报疑难问题, 然后帮助解决, 就万事大吉
1. 不需要做设计.
2. 不用管如何测试
3. 不用管客户提出得各种稀奇古怪得需求.
只要做过5年以上linux驱动得, 然后转换到android得, 估计问题不大.

噢?噢? 我终于等到你了! 难道你只是说说的?

我承认, 我说说而已.
但我说错了么? 你们就是要找一个有经验得RD, 知识范围宽一点, 来帮你们解决疑难杂症.
也就E语, 一般不够流利, 大家在外企也很少用外语吧.

接近六年工作经验。linux arm
平台。两年middleware,两年application.一年半bsp. 两个月android multimedia. 做application期间经常跟国外客户打交道,有几次国外技术支持经历。也经常debug一些跟kernel和系统相关的疑难杂症。这样可以么?

可以的。。您简历发我一份,我们电话聊···· 2251638853@qq.com

我觉得你要是再把底层也覆盖, 可能就更完美了,
中断, context switch, memory,资源保护, SMP, 在此基础上得省电的架构(包括降频, 软件硬件等),...,
牵涉到比如CPU ARCH(指令, MMU, 如果熟悉到看看一段机器码二进制流, 就能晓得这个代码在操作系统得那一段代码, 就算熟悉. 任何一个死机能定位和找到原因. 任何一个段代码能进行性能能分解和解释原因....)以及CACHE, BUS, DDR,之类得. 还有PMU, PLL, CLOCK得分配, .....

【在 zengweimin (future) 的大作中提到: 】
: 我觉得你要是再把底层也覆盖, 可能就更完美了,
: 比如:
: 中断, context switch, memory,资源保护, SMP, 在此基础上得省电的架构(包括降频,
: ...................

我不想问你技术有多深, 我只想问, 你结婚了么? 有孩子

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