LC-VCO pnoise仿真后的noise summary如何读?谢谢!
LC-VCO pnoise仿真后的noise summary如下所示:
其中,M0 M2是PMOS电流镜,M4 M1是负阻管
Device Param Noise Contribution % Of Total
/M0 id 4.95531e-14 24.66
M4.m0 id 2.50109e-14 12.45
M1.m0 id 2.48462e-14 12.37
/M2 id 2.35117e-14 11.70
M1.m0 fn 1.27088e-14 6.33
L0.r1 rn 1.1267e-14 5.61
M4.m0 fn 1.111e-14 5.53
L0.r2 rn 1.10546e-14 5.50
M1.rb rn 3.22953e-15 1.61
M4.rb rn 3.21047e-15 1.60
L0.rsub2 rn 2.53514e-15 1.26
L0.rsub1 rn 2.45516e-15 1.22
M4.rg rn 1.5454e-15 0.77
M1.rg rn 1.54303e-15 0.77
R1_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.84408e-16 0.44
R1_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.84408e-16 0.44
R2_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.73101e-16 0.43
R2_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.73101e-16 0.43
R0_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.23096e-16 0.41
R0_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.23096e-16 0.41
Spot Noise Summary (in V^2/Hz) at 3M Hz Sorted By Noise Contributors
Total Summarized Noise = 2.00922e-13
No input referred noise available
The above noise summary info is for pnoise data with Vtune = 0.8
其中,M0 M2是PMOS电流镜,M4 M1是负阻管
Device Param Noise Contribution % Of Total
/M0 id 4.95531e-14 24.66
M4.m0 id 2.50109e-14 12.45
M1.m0 id 2.48462e-14 12.37
/M2 id 2.35117e-14 11.70
M1.m0 fn 1.27088e-14 6.33
L0.r1 rn 1.1267e-14 5.61
M4.m0 fn 1.111e-14 5.53
L0.r2 rn 1.10546e-14 5.50
M1.rb rn 3.22953e-15 1.61
M4.rb rn 3.21047e-15 1.60
L0.rsub2 rn 2.53514e-15 1.26
L0.rsub1 rn 2.45516e-15 1.22
M4.rg rn 1.5454e-15 0.77
M1.rg rn 1.54303e-15 0.77
R1_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.84408e-16 0.44
R1_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.84408e-16 0.44
R2_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.73101e-16 0.43
R2_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.73101e-16 0.43
R0_1__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.23096e-16 0.41
R0_2__dmy0.Rpure thermal_noise 8.23096e-16 0.41
Spot Noise Summary (in V^2/Hz) at 3M Hz Sorted By Noise Contributors
Total Summarized Noise = 2.00922e-13
No input referred noise available
The above noise summary info is for pnoise data with Vtune = 0.8