fsdb 在dump的时候,可以进行autoswitch 的。
你的意思是 debussy 有环境变量 可以设置 文件大小?
我的环境是 linux ext3 的文件系统
我从 xxx_000.fsdb 文件抓出来一堆信号,设置好格式
要从 xxx_001.fsdb 同样把这些信号抓出来, 有没有比较简单的方法,
每次都是手工在选择一次, 在设置一次, 累死了。
先把 xxx_000.fsdb 的信号格式保存下来 000.rc
然后修改000.rc 把里面xxx_000.fsdb 替换成 xxx_001.fsdb 保存成 001.rc
然后 restore 001.rc ?
Limit FSDB Size
Automatically switch to a new dump file when the working FSDB file hits the
specified size limitation. The unit associated with $fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile's
File_Size parameter is a megabyte.
When specified in the design:
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(File_Size | File_Size_var, "FSDB_Name" | FSDB_Name_var, Number_of_Files | Number_of_Files_var [ ,"log_filename" | ,log_filename_var ]);
When specified on the simulator command line:
call fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile File_Size FSDB_name Number_of_Files [log_filename]
fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile File_Size FSDB_name Number_of_Files [log_filename]
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(File_Size, "FSDB_name", Number_of_Files [, log_filename]);
The FSDB file size limit.
NOTE:The minimum file size of the FSDB file is 10M. If you set the size to less than 10M, it will be set to 10M instead.
Specify the FSDB file size in a variable.
NOTE: Valid only if the command is specified inside the design.
Specify the FSDB file generated by the Novas object files for FSDB dumping.
Specify the FSDB file name in a variable.
NOTE: Valid only if the command is specified inside the design.
The maximum number of FSDB files to generate.
NOTE: If you put the number as 0, the dumper will create new FSDB files without file number limitation.
Specify the maximum number of FSDB files to generate in a variable.
NOTE: Valid only if the command is specified inside the design.
This argument is optional. Specify the file name for the log file.
Specify the log file name in a variable.
NOTE: Valid only if the command is specified inside the design.
NOTE: The following examples use the syntax for calling the FSDB dumping command in the design. Refer to the syntax section for the correct format for the simulator command line.
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(10, "test.fsdb", 20);
$fsdbDumpvars(0, system);
The first FSDB file will be named as test_000.fsdb. The second FSDB file test_001.fsdb will be created when the file size of test_000.fsdb reaches near 10MB. The third FSDB file test_002.fsdb will be created when the file size of test_001.fsdb reaches near 10MB and so on. The first FSDB file test_000.fsdb will be overwritten when the file size of test_019.fsdb reaches near 10MB. The default test.log file will list the time range of each FSDB file.
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(10, "test.fsdb", 20, "my.log");
$fsdbDumpvars(0, system);
The number and the maximum file size of the FSDB file are as the same as the previous example, but the log file is set to my.log.
Variable Example
If specified in the design, the design variable can be passed as a command
reg [255:0] File_Size_reg = 50;
reg [255:0] File_Size_reg1 = "50";
/* Not support number in string format */
string FSDB_Name _string = "FSDB_Name.fsdb";
reg [32*8-1:0] option_reg = "+fsdbfile+novas.fsdb";
reg [15:0] Number_of_Files_reg = 1000;
string log_filename_string = "fsdb.log";
reg [1023:0] FSDB_Name_reg = "FSDB_Name.fsdb";
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(50, "FSDB_Name", 1000, "fsdb.log");
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(File_Size_reg, FSDB_Name_string, 1000);
$fsdbAutoSwitchDumpfile(50, FSDB_Name_reg, Number_of_Files_reg, log_filename_string);