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时间:05-26 来源:咕噜网 点击:

as to whether children's developing brains are more vulnerable.

It is feared that their developing nervous system may make them at greater risk of damage from the absorption of energy.

More than 160 secondary schools in the outer London area will today (TUES) receive invitations to take part.

Current UK health policy guidelines advise that children under 16 should be encouraged to use mobile phones for essential purposes only, where possible use a hands-free kit or text and, if calls are really necessary, to keep them short.

"As mobile phones are a new and widespread technology central to our lives, carrying out the SCAMP study is important in order to provide the evidence base with which to inform policy and through which parents and their children can make informed life choices," said Dr Mireille Toledano of Imperial College, the Principal Investigator of the study.

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