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时间:05-26 来源:咕噜网 点击:





"我们需要进行这样的调查,因为这是一些新技术,"帝国理工大学医学研究委员会环境和健康中心的保罗·艾略特(Paul Elliot)教授表示。










外伦敦(Outer London)超过160家中学已经收到了参加这一研究的邀请函。



Wifi fears: three-year study into health risks of mobiles to children's brains

Wifi and mobile phone use to be studied for potential health risks to thousands of youngsters to determine if they damage young brains

Thousands of schoolchildren are to be enrolled in a three-year study to find out if mobiles and wi-fi are damaging their brains.

The study, which has been commissioned by the Department of Health and is being carried out by Imperial College and the University of London, will monitor the cognitive development of 11 to 14-year-olds.

Youngsters will be asked to install an app on their phones which will capture the duration of calls, texts and internet use. Their brain function will be measured in Year 7 and again in Year 9.

"We need to investigate because it is a new technology," Professor Paul Elliot, director of Medical Research Council Centre for Environment and Health at Imperial College.

"Scientific evidence available to date is reassuring and shows no association between exposure to radiofrequency waves from mobile phone use and brain cancer in adults in the short term."

"But the evidence available regarding long term heavy use and children's use is limited and less clear."

The Study of Cognition, Adolescents and Mobile Phones (SCAMP) is the largest study in the world to look at potential damage to children’s brains.

It will focus on cognitive functions such as memory and attention, which continue to develop into adolescence.

Cognition is how we think; how we make decisions; and how we process and recall information.

It is linked to intelligence and educational achievement and forms the building blocks of the innovative and creative potential of every individual and therefore society as a whole.

Seventy percent of 11-12 year olds in the UK now own a mobile phone, rising to 90 per cent by age 14.

Most research to date on mobile phones has focused on adults and risk of brain cancers.

While there is no convincing evidence that radio wave exposures from mobile phones effect health, scientists remain uncertain

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