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rf transmitter and receiver

时间:04-06 整理:3721RD 点击:
hii,can anybody help me with the information regarding how data is transmitted and received in serial communication.
am doing research project and am implementing a safety device which includes transmitter and receiver and antenna which used to pass data
transmitter contains 8 push buttons and am using only 1. when i press the button, some data code is generated, and that code is sent to encoder to encode and then signal is passed to antenna by using RF module. am using TXM-869_ES series transmitter.
in the same way,receiver receiver receiver receivesand signal is decoded and then LED or BUZZER has to be turned ON.
Can anybody help me,. how to generate data in a serial communication way? how baud rate has to be selected?
when i press 8 push buttons all togther, what happens and how data is sent.?

The baud rate is normally set by the requirements of the licensing aurthority as is the modulation - Am/ FM/QPSK/PM ?
if you want a serial protocol, you have to specify it your self and then program a processor to generate it. the so called serial protocols have been standardised to allow interchange of data between different manufacturers equipment. seem a lot of work for a single channel.

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