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GHz scale to THz...enable by simulation tool!?

时间:04-01 整理:3721RD 点击:

I am going to try the comparision about two kinds of simple dipole antennas(eaeh 1000 times scaled).
One is (~100mm-long & 3mm-wide) and another is (~100um-long & 3um-wide) which have same metal conductivity and same metal thickness.
The former will operate in GHz, the latter in THz.

Then. they should show same results (*.my interest is in "the antenna input impedance" and "radiaton pattern in directivity") or not ?

! I am useing two programs. one is IE3D and another is CST MWS.

anyone who know about this topic... advise to me. plz.

It is very important how you model the metals. When making simulations at THz range you should use a realistic model for the material dispersions. You may start from Drude dispersion model.


Maxwell's equation only scale if you have not losses... As soon as you introduce losses the scaling does not work anymore.

Quick Check:

The Skin depth of a metal with 5.8e7 S/m at 1 GHz is 2.09 μm -> at 1 THz it is 0.07 μm. Scaling would require that it is 0.00209 μm.


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