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Ideas on THz Generation and Propagation

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

If there anybody who is familiar with THz and its applications or follows the developments in the area? I need help to find some new ideas.

I would be glad if you can share with me some new ideas could be challenging or interesting in the area of THz generation and propagation in terms of design and simulation.

I am open to any ideas/suggestion.

Thanks in advance.

How is exact your frequency pls?
To end is all kind of light source a THz generator...

Hi Karesz,

Thanks for your quick reply. I am going to work in THz range (between 0.3 to 10 THz). Now I search for possibilities on what can be done in this range.

Interesting. Think how you can design a mm-wave or THz compact source with output powers greater than 10mW. Or how you would reduce the phase noise of the generated signal. If you can do below -100dBc/Hz at 10kHz offset, you would make millions immediately ;)

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