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current loop simulator

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Has anyone done any simulation on the current loop in HFSS? Is it possible to upload the file?


What file do you mean?

The HFSS file for current loop simulation.

I don't have such projects actually. But probably I can do it in MoM. What do you need to calculate? Field radiated by impressed current in free space?

I want to simulate the magnetic field (x-, y-, and z-component) at a given position for a current loop.

If you can publish more information - current loop parameters (geometry, values), field probe poisition and frequency range you are interested in it would be possible to discuss solution more effectively.

The loop has a radius of 10cm and a sinusoidal current (100 Hz) with r.m.s 1A will pass through the loop.

The loop is situated at the origin and I want to find the magnitude of the x-component of the point (0<= x <= 50cm, y = 20cm, z = 20cm) in HFSS.

I have simulations in HFSS but I cannot get the magnetic information I required. So I am asking if anyone has done any previous simulation.

Hopes this clarifies the problem.


OK, and the loop is situated in origin in XY or YZ or XZ plane?

It is on the XY plane.

do not place current source in series. you will get an inaccurate result.

I have simulated this in EMC Studio. Please see results in attached pdf file. Is this what you have looked for?

What do you mean by this? Thanks.

Added after 1 minutes:

Hi, this is the result I am looking for. Thanks. But it would be good to have it in HFSS as that is the only software available to me.

上一篇:xfdtd 7

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