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ferrite loop antenna hfss

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I was wondering if someone would help me or give me ideas about a problem I'm having with meshing in HFSS. I'm simulating a ferrite rod loop antenna (like those in AM radios) with 90 turns and is 5.4cm long. This antenna receives a 1MHz carrier signal. The problem is, with many turns and the frequency so low, the radiation boundary is rather large (~75m) for a far-field radiation pattern while the size of the antenna is very small. Its almost like a point source. This consumes a lot of memory during the meshing stage (16GB RAM) and still fails.

One feedback that I got is to slice the structure and insert a symmetry boundary (perfect E or H) but I don't see how this might solve the problem. I've attached a .zip file of the model.

Many thanks! ~fenisol3
上一篇:planar transmission line

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