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fdfd method

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Does anybody know of any good books or papers for learning about the FDFD method? Thanks!

Hi skysearcher
There are many papers, codes and tutorial about FDTD method in Edaboard that you can search anyway I think Sullivan's and Taflov's books are very good refrences

I hope it'll be helpful

If you want a quick and dirty tutorial, try Sullivan, although it's pretty narrow and has some typos. Taflove/Hagness is a great full reference with much of what you could use without actually being a researcher. Sadiku also has a decent book that describes several numerical methods including FDTD, but if you're only interested in FDTD, Taflove will have most of what you want.

Thanks for the suggestions - but I'm actually looking for stuff on the finite difference frequency domain, not the finite difference time domain. Thanks anyway, though!

there was a thread (about 6 months ago) in which rrumpf posted a link to his thesis and some slides.
The slides provided a pretty good introduction to FDFD.

Thanks! I found the thesis and thread =)

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