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matrix solver exception: out of memory

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I keep getting this out of memory error in HFSS, but the problem is I still have free memory and my computer never even started using the swap space.

HFSSDesign1 (DrivenModal)
[error] Adaptive solution setup, process hf3d error: Matrix solver exception: out of memory.. (10:59 AM Jun 12, 2009)
[error] Simulation completed with execution error on server: Local Machine. (10:59 AM Jun 12, 2009)

At the time of this error I had 2.5 GB free out of 8 GB of ram and the swap space was unused.

I am using HFSS 11.1 on Debian with a 64 bit kernel. I have an AMD 64bit cpu with 8GB of ram and swap space set to 10GB.

This is an odd error and it is preventing me from simulating anything beyond a simple microstrip line.

If anyone has any input or as seen this error, please let me know. Is there some limitation on the amount of ram hfss can use? Maybe the matrix solver they release for Linux is only 32bit, that is the only logical explanation I can think of at th moment.

Added after 43 minutes:

Solved the problem, it was in fact using the 32 bit binaries. To fix, simply copy the binaries from the ansoftbin64 directory to the root directory where hfss is installed and overwrite the 32 bit binaries.

I think that was the last part to getting HFSS to work perfectly and install on any linux distribution!

i think just restart your computer and then start it up again then this problem may be remove.
HFSS provide this type error when u are constantly using same program long time with different changes in it .
so try it it may be help you....

When you change something, clean up previous solutions and then start new simulation. I hope it will be helpful.


Hi All,

I have exactly the same message that mcyberey got.

And I've tried to restart my computer, to start the design over again but it keeps displaying this and I frankly don't understand where does that come from...

If someone could help me out that would be great!

@mtfu : how do you proceed to clean up the previous results when you change parameters in a design?


In the project window, point on result, right click mouse, scroll down to"cleanup solution" and select. A window will open, set the options you want.


thanks.it worked.

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