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import antenna pattern

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi folks,
I would liek to konw if you are aware of any simulation tool able to import a pattern of antenna from an ascii file and use it as source in the simulation of a scattering objetc.

Thanks a lot


This can be done in several simulation tools. EMC Studio, FEKO, CST, probably others as well. All they need own data-format specification, as I know currently there are no uniform-common format for all of the tools. So, data translation to internal formats of the tools is needed to be done.

EMC Studio can also handle radiation source based on Near Field scan/simulation data - hyugens surface. Here is an application note:
EMC Studio :: Modeling Of Electronic Devices Using Near Field Sources

Thanks for your reply.
Apart from Feko,
do you know if the imported pattern can be used as impressed source and if they can be traslated in to huygens source or SWE?

Thanks a lot

I am not sure about FEKO.

But in general yes, imported pattern in all of these software tools is used as an impressed source. You can also specify impressed current source, which is often used to model harness radiation.

perhaps semcad x14.


seach for Huygens keyword.


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