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How to generate a 3D model from an imported DXF geometry?

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

i've drawn a 2D geometrie in autocad and imported this by DXF import to HFSS. i can see the correct object in HFSS!

Q: how do i generate a 3D model from the imported dxf geometrie?


I think you should create a line and then select your geometry, select the line and then choose Draw-> Sweep along line..

You should get your 3D drawing. For more instruction, look at the help file for sweeping along the line.

Added after 1 hours 9 minutes:

I have a problem of my own. When I import the drawings from DXF files, I only get non-model objects. But when i try to assign a material to them, or to change the properties of the imported model, the menus are disabled. Anyone had the same problem?

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