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coplanar waveguide fed for antenna

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I am new to working in HFSS and am really confused about using lumped port or wave port...

I have designed one using a lumped port and am getting quite good results for it...but I don't know whether the assignment of the port is correct or not.

So I tried using wave port for the design, but the s11 results are going awfully wrong... pl can anybody help me?

I am attaching both the hfss files... PLEASE have a look at them and tell me where am i going wrong

I know there are a lot of experts out there so waiting for a positive reply...

the attached file is a tutorial that can help you to choose between lumped port and waveport excitation in your project.
i hope it can help you

上一篇:Diode rectenna

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