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Translight metal

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi All,

I try to get transmission coefficients of metallic structure using Translight, but whenever I set metallic features, it gives error in the meantime of calculation.

I would be grateful, if anyone experienced with Translight could help me. Please explain the steps how to set metal.

Thanks in advance,

I am doing my Thesis in Analysis and design of metallodielectric photonic crystal filter ,I have to get R and T(reflection and transmition of fields) of the filter that i have to design in IR Visible and UV range , so how femlab can help me and how can i run it for using in design filter,i studied its help and became familiar with it somehow but i need to know more how to use it,for example how to design and give information for running it to get answer.
plz if you can ,guide me.
my email address is blueblue2000550002@yahoo.com
best regards

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