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Reflection Phase of PBG using floquet port and calculator

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

I have been simulating EBG structure for a few days, reflection phase is key point to me.

I am using post-processing to identify the reflection phase, as I know, it's a common mehtod recommoned by many people.

When using HFSS v11, Floquet port is a trick to slove the problem, however MY QUESTION is the reflection phase using these two method seems different!

I am comfused for two days, I need your help, Thanks a lot!

attachment is my model using post-processing, u can check it for mistakes.


It's me!

The resonant frequency is arround 5GHz using floquet port or waveguide method.

But it's only 3.4GHz using post-processing.

Sorry for my careless not mention this!


Did anyone get some idea?
Plz leave your comments...

Nobody wanna help me?

I think it's better to use only a Floquet port instead of wave port and radiation boundary. For reflection analysis you can directly use S-parameters extracted by the Floquet port. since the port is matched in all frequencies,
Γ11=S11, Γ22=S22, Γ12=S12,....

If the polarization state of first mode is TE and the polarization state of the second mode is TM (check the Floquet port wizard) then Γ11 is TE to TE reflection coefficient and Γ12 is TE to TM reflection coefficient and so on.

just note that the Floquet port should be placed at enough distance of the surface where the higher order Floquet harmonics can not reach. To determine the proper distance you can use the modes calculator (in the Floquet port wizard), the calculator gives you the attenuation of higher order Floquet harmonics at each frequency and incident angle.

For more information about the Floquet port see:

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