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Effective Permittivity and permeability extraction

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:

Can anyone illustrate the extraction method to have the real,imaginary parts of effective permittivity and permeability by simulating a 10 mm long of a 50Ω microstrip line on FR4-Epoxy with thickness of 1.6 mm ε relative=4.4 and loss tangent=0.022;by using HFSS and Matlab.

Take a look to my project done by HFSS,the results are not good.there's a decrease of the effective permittivity when frequency increases which is not the case,using LineCalc of Agilent ADS i noticed when frequency increase the permittivity increase also(correct)!

So what's the problem?


Its corrupted file. upload it again with HFSS 11 or less so i can check it


Do a 2-port S parameter simulation on this line. Make sure that you use a suitable de-embedding scheme to avoid fringe effects.

If you can, change the port impedance so that S11 and S22 are zero (so you have a traveling wave only). From S21 or S12, you can calculate the complex propagation constant (based on phase shift and attenuation). This will give you "gamma". This is "gamma" from the "gamma"= "alpha" + j*"beta" formula.

Now use: "gamma" = j*omega*√(mu*eps).
mu = magnetic permeability = 4*pi*10e-7.

From here you can calculate epsilon (in your case effective epsilon). When you don't want to "see" copper loss, make sure you set the conductivity of metallic conductors to a very high value.


Thanks for your interest to my problem,sorry the file was done by HFSS v12.

The Equations used are in the Output Variables under Results>Create Modal Solution Data Report>Rectangular Plot,these formulas are taken from this paper "Effective Electromagnetic Parameters of Novel Distributed LH Microstrip Lines" p1516-1517 so could you please help in finding the error.

上一篇:Power plane de-coupling

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