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permittivity of a material only in 50Hz

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
i am doing some simulations in hfss. i am working in the range 2 to 4GHz. i am using a material. its permittivity value is availible only in 50 Hz. is there any options in hfss to get the permittivity in 2 to 4GHz?

thank you all

Possible options:
- assume constant Er, use 50 Hz value
- refer to other resources
- give it up

thanks for the answer!
but i want to do some comparison between practice ans simulation.

that is why i need the permittivity in the working range.

If you want to ask a question, you should mention the material.

If it's a material of interest at these frequencies I am almost sure that someone would have measured it and reported it in the literature. If not, you should perform this measurement and get a publication!

No "hfss" gives you data on material permittivity. Find material properties in literature or measure it

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