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Plz solve this question for me

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Dear All,

I want to know the tricks to solve the following numericals.If someone helps me out i will be really grateful.


1). If the electric field intensity is given by

E = (xUx + yUy + zUz)volt/m, the potential difference betn X(2,0,0) and Y(1,2,3) is ?

2). If the electric field intensity associated with a uniform plane EM wave traveling in a perfect dielectric medium is given by

E(z,t) = 10 cos(2∏ x 107t = 0.1∏z) volt/m, then the velocity of the traveling wave is ?

3). The depth of penetration of EM wave in a medium having conductivity σ at a frequency of 1MHz is 25cm.The depth of penetration at a frequency of 4M/hz will be ?

please don't ask others to do your homework ...
what will you do later in your real job ?

Dear Kripton2035,

Thanks for your advice sir.But i only asked for tips to solve the same and not for complete solution.


If your questions were complex application questions, then tips would make sense. These questions are simple computations...If you do not understand what is going on then just "use the formulas" or otherwise read whatever chapter you are in again. :)

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