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[question]RFID tag antenna simulation with HFSS

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
I'm new to HFSS. For simulating planar dipole RFID antenna using HFSS, I noticed that lumped port is used usually, and the lumped port impedance is set to the conjugate value of the chip impedance.
My question is:
Because RFID antenna is directly connected to the tag chip for cost down, then the impedance of the antenna should be conjugate matched with the tag chip impedance. If the lumped port impedance is already set to the conjugate value of the tag chip impedance, then how I can check from the HFSS simulation result that the antenna is really matched with the chip impedance, instead of matching by manually setting the lumped port impedance?
Thanks in advance!

We have a similar problem trying to design an RFID antenna with HFWorks. Let me know if you are able to figure it out.


Well, if you draw and simulate your antenna, you can plot the antenna impedance as seen from the port. That way you can see if it matches. To get a particular impedance out of the antenna is a different matter. Perhaps you can find an approximate analytical formula somewhere, that will give you the length, for instance, that you need.

Dear fatbear
Also, I am working on RFID tag antenna. I already designed RFID tag antenna and it is working. This is my email shalaboda@yahoo.com please contact me and then we can share our experience
Best Regards


I am trying also to design Tag antenna but on HF Works

Any advices ?

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