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transformer working voltage range

时间:03-30 整理:3721RD 点击:
If a transformer is design to operate at 42Vmin and 48Vmax, beyond these voltages what will happen to the transformer?


What do you mean? What should happen?

AC voltage in --> AC voltage out.
The max voltage limit is to prevent saturation. Distortion, high current, maybe overheating.
But it will work with voltage lower than the min value.


In some poor designs where the transformer is sized to operate close to its nominal power rating capacity, a few drop voltage is expected due to losses, therefore if it is the case, it may be expectable a small increase in the output voltage value.

so I cannot encounter any problem at voltages below the minimum voltage? it will still work properly? but I will expect a lower voltage at the secondary output because of the turns ratio? right?

And the problem may raise at levels beyond the maximum? let say a 55V input to the transformer? This value may cause the transformer to saturate, right? how should I compute the saturation value of the transformer?

Also important is the frequency. Here's a link stating a transformer designed for 60Hz, will overheat if operated at 50 Hz. (See section 11.6, 'Voltage & Frequency'.)


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