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About design antenna tools ..

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
We can use HFSS to design patch antenna ,

or use NEC to do it .

I use supernec to do it .

to caculate the Antenna factor , gain , pattern ...

but some times , it spent much time .

Are there any other better tools to do it ?

Best Regards .


they are certainly better tools. I guess MWS is the most popular one. Just check this forum.



I guess there is never a quick way to solve an antenna problem at first using any software. But, once you master a commerical EM package (require practicing come-with-tutorials and visiting this forum), you could simulate your patch antenna quickly and efficiently. "Quickly" is achieved by choosing the right mathematical technique (FDTD, FEM, FIT, MOM etc...) with a good graphical interface for your model. Therefore doing wide frequency sweep should consider time-domain techniques. While finding the eigenmodes of a resonance structure such as the Dielectric Resonator Antenna or Photonic Crystal would be the better off with FEM. "Efficiently" is achieved by observing existance of any symmetries in your model in which a symmetry perfect E or perfect H planes can be put in to solve only half or as much as a quarter of the full-size model. Furthermore, be able to manully understand and adjust the mesh settings to reduce unecessary dense mesh around volume where fields are unlikely to exist or increase meshes in volume which is critical.

RFSimulator seems to like suggesting CST Microwave Studio to everybody and I am happy for people to use it because it has both time-domain and frequency domain solver and it is greatly suited for antenna simulation. But I am a fan of HFSS because Ansoft technical support taught me almost everything I need to do about its package, they don't hide anything from users. There are mature articles, tutorials and examples of HFSS projects spreading around the WWW and a lot more if you are registed users which can be downloaded in Ansoft Forum. Their technical support is marvellous. They and of course the users in this forum will help you get started quickly.

Best regards


Hello folks.....do you have any ideas about design low cost antenna for uhf and vhf tv reception?please comment..

Dear sassyboy :

Thank you for your answering so much ,
The software which my school lab use is HFSS ,
this is popular here , don't write codes ,
only draw the structure , then do simulation.
The only defect is that it spends much time.
But it's good EM software , it can do many works .


Best Regards .

Antennas with gain cannot be made cheaper than consumer antennas mounted outdoors. If you are in a strong signal area, you can make an outdoor folded dipole for your favorite station.


I recommend you MicroStripes for antenna design. TLM time-domain tool (check my reply on HFSS size problem). No more PML crap or fancy boundary conditions needed. The only thing is there is no optimizer available yet but I heard the up-coming version 7 will have one. It really handles electrically large models, I would even dare to say electrically HUGE and radiating models. Check their website at www.microstripes.com


Hi, ArtWave

Thanks for quiet advertising, m*
Take care, people aren't stupid here :)



To eirp:

I am and I will be advertising MicroStripes. People need to know what's the best. If you are a Ansoft costumer service engineer you could start looking for a real job 'cause CST and MicroStripes are on the market!


PS: And stop giving "warnings" to others!

Ok, if you really want to help, ask for people's project and show that you can calculate it easier/faster (whatever you want) with your software. This is the way to help!

PS: I'm not any customer/service engineer :) Personally I prefer CST products also.

PPS: As you can see, I'm one of the forum's moderator and thus allowed to give warnings

best regards


Honestly, the way you are advertising is very annoying to me. I am a researcher and most of the time I make the desicision on the purchase of the software. My reaction to this kind of dishonest advertisement is to put a cross mark. By the way, you can learn a lot from the HFSS and CST guys. They do the best advertisement by helping the community and by adding value to this board.

Ok guys. Objection noted.

It was only the way EIRP told me "we are not stupid here" like he was treating me as beeing an advertisement guy that made me nervous. I was a long time HFSS user (since there were Ansoft and HP versions on the market!) Then I only had the chance to work only for a couple of months with CST and I loved it. Now the corporation I'm working in purchased MicroStripes and I love it even more. I felt I had to share my experience with the others but I was treated like a sales person. Now put yourselves in my shoes: wouldn't you be upset?

Hope this ends the incident.

Good luck with your work.

Well, I wouldn't be upset but I checked your IPs earlier. I will not give comments here because it's not relevant now.
Check your posts and honestly answer: have you been helping the community or just only saying "MicroStripes is the best SW, purchase it"? :)

OK, ArtWave, I don't feel any pleasure by talking about advertisement on our EDA forum..

I hope we can make some benchmark project and test all the microwave software used by people here.
I don't have any experience with MicroStripes personally, could you create some benchmark project (which has been measured also)?


Hey guys...

Sorry for interrupting.
If this is not the right place to ask, I appreciate if u can recommend other places.

I am currently using CST Microwave Studio to simulate my project dealing with waveguide.
The problem is we are simulating the problem in a wide frequency range (2-22GHz). There is a warning "At least one propagating modes at port 1 is not considered in time domain calculation. It might be better to increase the number of modes at port x".

I have tried increasing the number of modes because obviously over that frequency range there is quite number of modes propagating. However that didn't give correct result. I can say that because I have an empirical data that I can compare to.

This has trigerred two questions. (1) What is the meaning of the error and what could be done to solve the it.
(2) Can I simulate wide frequency range with several modes(2-22GHz) in waveguides just by leaving the default settings?

Thanks heaps.

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