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Reflection phase of PBG structure

时间:03-31 整理:3721RD 点击:
Hi all,

i am simulating a hexagonal structure (attached here) for the reflection phase diagram which was given previously in this forum. i am taking the steps as in

"https://www.edaboard.com/ftopic304618.html " is given.

After running the macro, i found the following error..

"unable to read result file: c:\document and settings\admin\desktop\hexa_3\3_hexa_structure\res ult\probe_p(probe(pw)).sig
(ser phase of probe=result1D("probe_p("+fullname+"(pw))"))"

i am not understanding why it is happening? Plz help me.

the above problem coming when i am using CST 2009
when i am using CST 2006B the following error comes:
"(10051)Could not open file"
(open pec_ampl_ref_filename for input AS#3)

i am not getting why all these is happening??
plz help me findin the reflection diagram for PBG structure.


the vba macro is for older versions of CST MWS. e.g. versions that has cst file as *.mod and not *.cst. I think some changes will have to be made to the vba file so it knows where where the probes information are stored in cst 2008 onwards. However, in same topic forum topic, someone described using the waveguide method - it is faster and work as well as the macro.


i encounter the same prob too when im trying to simulate reflection phase diagram, the error mention

"Open pec_ampl_ref_filename For Input As #3"

please assist me on what i can do...
this problem make me headache...

(FYI im using CST2010, my window at LAB pc is window XP, and my laptop is window 7, but neither are working)

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